I have a custom m3u source that I set a channel in (channel-number="706")
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="KVIEDT" channel-number="706" tvg-chno="706" tvg-id="KVIEDT" tvg-name="KVIEDT" tvc-guide-stationid="34197",PBS-KVIE
This DVR server has four sources (1 channel per source) using channels 706, 3777, 3779 and 5007.
When I tried to play my custom channel 706, Channels DVR tuned to channel 706 on my HDHR Prime (which is not assigned a guide provider on this server and is the lowest priority source).
2024/11/21 16:47:04.672749 [TNR] Opened connection to 1323AADB/0 for ch706 KVIEDT
2024/11/21 16:47:04.672857 [HLS] Starting live stream for channel 706 from
2024/11/21 16:47:06.374889 [HLS] Probed live stream in 1.701878502s: h264 1280x720 progressive 1586850bps
2024/11/21 16:47:10.596686 [HLS] Session ch706-dANY-ip192.168.1.8 started in 5.923725503s
2024/11/21 16:47:10.598005 [ENC] Starting encoder for ch706 in /shares/dvr/Streaming/ch706-dANY-ip192.168.1.8-3890766195/encoder-1-2671914594 at 1 (3.571744) (encoder=remux, acodec=aac, bitrate=3476, segment_size=0.01)
2024/11/21 16:47:10.642378 [HLS] ffmpeg: ch706-dANY-ip192.168.1.8-1-copy-aac---3476-192--0-0---false-false-0.01-0: [h264 @ 0x8e18100] Increasing reorder buffer to 2
2024/11/21 16:47:10.649009 [HLS] ffmpeg: ch706-dANY-ip192.168.1.8-1-copy-aac---3476-192--0-0---false-false-0.01-0: [h264 @ 0x8e18100] Increasing reorder buffer to 3
2024/11/21 16:47:20.616498 [HLS] ffmpeg: ch706-dANY-ip192.168.1.8-remux: [mpegts @ 0x9f6b4c0] Packet corrupt (stream = 0, dts = 3619108704), dropping it.
2024/11/21 16:47:20.629367 [HLS] ffmpeg: ch706-dANY-ip192.168.1.8-remux: [mpegts @ 0x9f6b4c0] Packet corrupt (stream = 2, dts = 3618912523), dropping it.
2024/11/21 16:47:20.633419 [HLS] ffmpeg: ch706-dANY-ip192.168.1.8-remux: [mpegts @ 0x9f6b4c0] Packet corrupt (stream = 1, dts = 3618912523), dropping it.
2024/11/21 16:47:22.828745 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session ch706-dANY-ip192.168.1.8 (out=20.221722s finished=false first_seq=1 last_seq=7)
2024/11/21 16:47:22.833724 [ENC] Stopped encoder for ch706 in /shares/dvr/Streaming/ch706-dANY-ip192.168.1.8-3890766195/encoder-1-2671914594 after encoding 1 to 5
2024/11/21 16:47:22.849859 [TNR] Closed connection to 1323AADB/0 for ch706 KVIEDT
2024/11/21 16:47:22.849991 [SNR] Statistics for ch706 KVIEDT: ss=95% snq=100% seq=100% bps=3688977,1467904-4164576 pps=316,126-358
2024/11/21 16:47:22.850030 [SNR] Buffer statistics for ch706 KVIEDT: buf=0% drop=0%
What I did as a temporary workaround is to change the channel-number
in the m3u.
Channels DVR v2024.11.18.1326, if it matters.