Channels DVR using my HDHR Prime, even though it's not assigned a provider

I have a custom m3u source that I set a channel in (channel-number="706")

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="KVIEDT" channel-number="706" tvg-chno="706" tvg-id="KVIEDT" tvg-name="KVIEDT" tvc-guide-stationid="34197",PBS-KVIE

This DVR server has four sources (1 channel per source) using channels 706, 3777, 3779 and 5007.
When I tried to play my custom channel 706, Channels DVR tuned to channel 706 on my HDHR Prime (which is not assigned a guide provider on this server and is the lowest priority source).
Screenshot 2024-11-21 at 17-21-45 Channels Settings

2024/11/21 16:47:04.672749 [TNR] Opened connection to 1323AADB/0 for ch706 KVIEDT
2024/11/21 16:47:04.672857 [HLS] Starting live stream for channel 706 from
2024/11/21 16:47:06.374889 [HLS] Probed live stream in 1.701878502s: h264 1280x720 progressive 1586850bps
2024/11/21 16:47:10.596686 [HLS] Session ch706-dANY-ip192.168.1.8 started in 5.923725503s
2024/11/21 16:47:10.598005 [ENC] Starting encoder for ch706 in /shares/dvr/Streaming/ch706-dANY-ip192.168.1.8-3890766195/encoder-1-2671914594 at 1 (3.571744) (encoder=remux, acodec=aac, bitrate=3476, segment_size=0.01)
2024/11/21 16:47:10.642378 [HLS] ffmpeg: ch706-dANY-ip192.168.1.8-1-copy-aac---3476-192--0-0---false-false-0.01-0:  [h264 @ 0x8e18100] Increasing reorder buffer to 2
2024/11/21 16:47:10.649009 [HLS] ffmpeg: ch706-dANY-ip192.168.1.8-1-copy-aac---3476-192--0-0---false-false-0.01-0:  [h264 @ 0x8e18100] Increasing reorder buffer to 3
2024/11/21 16:47:20.616498 [HLS] ffmpeg: ch706-dANY-ip192.168.1.8-remux:  [mpegts @ 0x9f6b4c0] Packet corrupt (stream = 0, dts = 3619108704), dropping it.
2024/11/21 16:47:20.629367 [HLS] ffmpeg: ch706-dANY-ip192.168.1.8-remux:  [mpegts @ 0x9f6b4c0] Packet corrupt (stream = 2, dts = 3618912523), dropping it.
2024/11/21 16:47:20.633419 [HLS] ffmpeg: ch706-dANY-ip192.168.1.8-remux:  [mpegts @ 0x9f6b4c0] Packet corrupt (stream = 1, dts = 3618912523), dropping it.
2024/11/21 16:47:22.828745 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session ch706-dANY-ip192.168.1.8 (out=20.221722s finished=false first_seq=1 last_seq=7)
2024/11/21 16:47:22.833724 [ENC] Stopped encoder for ch706 in /shares/dvr/Streaming/ch706-dANY-ip192.168.1.8-3890766195/encoder-1-2671914594 after encoding 1 to 5
2024/11/21 16:47:22.849859 [TNR] Closed connection to 1323AADB/0 for ch706 KVIEDT
2024/11/21 16:47:22.849991 [SNR] Statistics for ch706 KVIEDT: ss=95% snq=100% seq=100% bps=3688977,1467904-4164576 pps=316,126-358
2024/11/21 16:47:22.850030 [SNR] Buffer statistics for ch706 KVIEDT: buf=0% drop=0%

What I did as a temporary workaround is to change the channel-number in the m3u.
Channels DVR v2024.11.18.1326, if it matters.

I had a Similar problem with Channel 723 FS1 and TVE 6197. Where I set a pass to record on any Channel but it kept recording on 723 my Prime instead of the higher Channel number when none are favored. So, I had to favor the TVE Channel.

It shouldn't even be using my HDHR Prime, since I haven't assigned a guide provider to it on this server.
The HDHR Prime is being used by another Channels DVR server.
Unfortunately I have to run my Channels DVR containers in host network mode, so they all see the HDHR Prime, but only one DVR server has a guide provider set for it, so it can record from it.

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If your Prime is a higher priority source than your TVE source, that's normal.

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I thought it records on the higher number if no Channels are favored. Guess I was wrong then.

Search starts with the highest priority source

I wonder is it better just to disable the tuner .... I use M3U from another DVR .. but have my OTA/Prime tuners enabled in case the other DVR is down it will record of the HDHR tuners..

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Thanks. I didn't even think of disabling it since it's not supposed to use it.
I was able to disable it though!
Now going to disable it on my other servers that aren't using it.

What are you using to play the channel? How are you selecting the channel to play?

Channels DVR web UI player

From the grid guide on the web UI

I have to assume that because my Prime appeared in /devices and /devices/ANY/channels, that's why it happened. Now that I've disabled my Prime as a source, it doesn't appear in either one now.

Yes, it appears that because the web UI uses /devices/ANY/ for playback the server iterates through all enabled devices in priority order looking for that channel number. The guide being mapped or not does not impact this channel lookup — not having the guide mapped impacts matching for recording on that device. As you found, the new disable functionality will be helpful to not make it use this channel, otherwise, changing the priority would also have solved the issue.

Thanks for the confirmation. I'll just keep the HDHR disabled on the servers I'm not using it on.