Chrome Capture for Channels

I'll have to try this again. When I set this up earlier this week, it seemed that the tmsid was associated with a show, not the channel. So at first it worked, but after the show ended, the link stopped working. Maybe something else wasn't setup correct on my end.

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Ahh, I see. I just set it up, so I may have spoken too soon, I'll update whether it continues to work or not.

I can watch live just fine, but can't get it to do a scheduled recording. Tried 2 different shows today. Left it to run and went in and checked afterwards. The Chrome window has what seems like hundreds of tabs all with nothing in them and the terminal had this message over and over again.


    at ChildProcess.onClose (/snapshot/chrome-capture-for-channels/node_modules/@puppeteer/browsers/lib/cjs/launch.js:259:24)
    at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:549:35)
    at ChildProcess._handle.onexit (node:internal/child_process:291:12)
[2023/06/24 15:02:58.552] GET /stream/cnbc from ::ffff: responded 500 in 400.287 ms
[2023/06/24 15:02:58.964] failed to start browser page Error: Failed to launch the browser process!

Not sure why I have no problems tuning using the guide and watching live, but recording is just not working for me.

@grfTX - Looks like the links for Spectrum do work! I did run into the "too many streams" error. Not sure what happened the first time I set it up. I'll continue to test.

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That happened to me for the first time...

Was is coming out of sleep mode? Was it full screen?

No and no. Seems like a bug to me, which is to be expected as this is new and experimental.

I hadn't seen the multiple tabs thing until I changed to full screen and messed with sleep mode. Probably something unrelated but just throwing that out there.

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Did you figure this out? Were they sharing the same channel-id as other channels already there?


This morning, I tried to watch something I recorded on NBC but unfortunately the picture was the size of a postage stamp and as I watched a few minutes, it eventually froze while the sound continued…

I realize it’s very early in the evolution of this workaround, however I really hope these issues can be overcome eventually…

thanks its fixed not sure if it was the quotes since i had them all there at first before trying stuff BUT it may have been the powershell i had left of browse i had powershell.exe
anyways its working
next is the whole screen size thing which ill start reading more about today

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Is there anyway to get the studdering under control. Display Status show streaming at 30fps but its more like 15fps. Have tried everything as far as adjustments to the dispaly size. I even bought and installed a 4K DisplayPort Display Emulator. My url ae streaming for "". I would like to know how I can stream the browser to my HDMI encoder and command the url's in browser but stream from the HDMI encoder. The other forum HDMI Output for channels mentions only how to intigrate with a android device. Would like some directions on how to do this on Windows. If I can get this working decently I could setup stream some of the channels not supported by TVE. I already experimented steaming the browser to the encoder through Channels DVR and its flawless. This would totally eliminate TVE and can just stream from "". Just need to know how to command the url's in windows browser. Instead of opening chrome capture open chrome browser. Thanks

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I think the issue may have something to do with screen sharing. The computer running this is in the other room so I use MacOS Screen Sharing to connect. Once I do that, I'm noticing the multiple Chrome tabs. Even if I disconnect, it persists. When I look on that machine, it still shows sharing in the menu bar, so it didn't fully disconnect. Forcing a disconnect and then closing the Chrome tab, I'm now able to record. Still testing it out, but that may have something to do with it.

What brought me to this realization is testing out the Spectrum links that @grfTX found. I was getting sound but just a black screen. Then I realized that they sharing was on, as soon as I disconnected that, video showed.


Need to stop messing with
Somehow i got rid of my letter boxing on the NBC channels by using a virtual display adapter while waiting for my dummy adapter
I installed this and after some messing with it i have near perfect display sizing Only the NBC live channel shows a smidge of a border

This is by far a great way around the DRM crap and next ill try to add YES Network to it.


Spectrum is working....kinda.... It needs to have a play button pushed twice for the stream to go. Still seeing some strange freezes and glitchy video. This seems better on Spectrum than with NBC's website. Or it may be my old PC is overloaded. I have a Win 11 Headless with 32G and SSD that I will try Monday. Still have to force Chrome to full screen with F11.

Still this is a move in the right direction.


Is the Docker container up to date with the latest changes? I can run everything pretty stably in Docker (with high CPU usage), but running the code with Node works for one stream then breaks.

Amazing Work Guys.
Even with my limited skills I was able to get the Windows Version working.
I'm running it on a separate PC on the network with a Monitor Dummy Plug.
The NBC channels work perfectly.
I was able to get NFL Network to work, but it doesn't go completely full screen.
I can still see some of the navigation links at the top of the screen.

This is pretty amazing.....


Edit: I didn't know NFL Network was back on TVE. That solves that problem...for now.

That is probably the issue. Thanks!

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Spectrum update: The out of house nag goes away and the stream starts without intervention. I remapped guide data and have tested this for a while. My desktop PC is fairly taxed so I have some pauses but overall, seems good for a single stream. Still have the black border which I will attempt to correct with the new box Monday. Below is my M3U settings:

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="Golf",Golf

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Has anyone tried DirecTV with this and their web player?

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