Chrome Capture for Channels

I think the "docker struggling" this is mostly because most of the keystrokes required to perform an authentication (nbc, yttv), as noted in prior posts in this thread, do not make it through when connecting through the CC4C docker in debug mode. Once that is past we can see how it works.

I've also seen the frozen video with audio continuing on more than one occasion.

It's not a Chrome specific bug, because I've seen it on the PBS feed.

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Thanks for confirming. I hope this bug can be squashed, otherwise I can’t depend on my recordings.

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Using this procedure to record shows so many things can go wrong ... The HDMI Capture devices though extra cost is more reliable.

I'm still using the Docker container, and it's working beautifully with one exception. When multiple episodes are back to back and being recorded (notably from Oxygen. We record a lot of the "whodunnit" shows.), the NBC window will timeout due to "inactivity" and the recordings will be an hour of the rainbow background screen with that error message.

I doubt there is a way around this, but I thought I would throw it out there in case anyone has any ideas.

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I’m trying desperately to get the Docker working, however I can’t get past the YTTV authentication screen for NBC using the diagnostics URL. Would you please share how you got this to work?

Thank you :grinning:

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I used the workaround that @KompilerDJ posted (#85) to connect to the container with VNC, then used that VNC connection to log in to everything. I couldn't get the web browser "debug" method to work. It wouldn't accept any input to the captured browser.

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So where do you put the “ x11vnc -display :99” command? Is this a terminal command or does it go into a VNC client?

Thanks :grinning:

It goes into the Docker container. You'll need to connect to the container and run that command there. I do it through Portainer's "console" option, but you should be able to do it by running docker ps -a to get the container ID, then run docker exec -it <containerID> x11vnc -display :99 & to run the command within the container.

Yep. I'm noticing this on recent recordings along with the issue I previously mentioned

Thank you. I was able to get the container ID and run the Docker command you provided in a terminal window and I now see that the VNC desktop with the Docker ID is running. How do I proceed from here?

I am very thankful for your help… :grinning:

Additionally, you may have to also expose the port that the VNC startup shows in the original docker run command (in my case "-p 5900:5900 -p 5589:5589"). Then you will be able connect to the host machine and container that is running the cc4c with a VNC client successfully - VNC shows a blank black screen when you connect in. When you run the channels client and select one of the CC4C stations you have set-up, you will see the chrome browser session launch in the VNC client and you are able to interact with it - and authenticate. HTH

I am guessing that (as the docker is configured by default), if you stop and delete the docker container you will may have to go through the same re-authentication credential validation process.

I think the only real option is to burn the subtitles into the original video. If you try to match an .srt (subtitle) file to the video after the fact, you will almost certainly run into sync problems, particularly if the source has commercials. It can be done, but it would be a lot of work in many cases.

I tried changing the Chrome capture Docker port to 5900 and was able to connect via VNC, however when I tried to tune a stream, it failed. I then changed it back to the default port 5589 and I then tried add -p 5589:5589 to the command “ docker exec -it 4f9078eb7420 x11vnc -display :99”, however that failed. I think I’m close but still missing something. Any thoughts?

You need both “-p 5589:5589 -p 5900:5900” in the docker run.

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That did the trick! Finally, it’s working… :grinning:. Thank you so very much my friend!

I tried the HDMI encoder and I couldn't even understand any of the basic terminology to get started. This seemed like an easier solution and was working well... until I rebooted the computer. Now I get an "ERR_UNHANDLED_REJECTION" message. This is on a Mac Mini and I have restarted the "chrome-capture-for-channels-macos-x64" program and still the error message. Any suggestions?

EDIT: I waited 5 minutes and now it is working again. Strange.

I got it up and running, I was just confused for the Development aspect of this and figured out I didn't need to do all that. I have it running on my MacMini M2, with no issues.

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I'm trying to set up this "Fire and Smoke" map to appear as a live channel. This URL focuses on Los Angeles, for example:

So I'm using this in my M3U:

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="Fire and Smoke",Fire and Smoke

The problem seems to be that it's cutting off the first & and everything after it, showing only this:

...which is a zoomed out map of the whole U.S. and not nearly as visible or useful.

Is there a way to get Chrome Capture to follow the entire URL?

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Can you try replacing ? with %3F and maybe also replacing & with %26... and perhaps some others like = and # with stuff from here if things don't go well:

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