Chrome Capture for Channels

I tried the docker on Windows 11. Was able to manage credentials with VNC, but the picture quality was inferior to the exe and headless adapter.

Maybe the headless adapter just needs to be passed through to the container?

You need to use VNC instead of the debug tool. Go up a bit in this thread and you’ll see a discussion regarding this method.

I’m using a 2017 MacBook Pro…

You guys are too smart for me :grinning:. Is it possible to adapt this to work with the standard Docker installation?

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Has anyone figured out how to get ABC to go full-screen? This link is working fine with authorization. The video player just requires a click to go full-screen...


Wow. I haven't been here in a couple months. Came back and saw this new toy to play with! Played around with this a little bit. Is there a way to adjust the video quality? I noticed the stream is a little blurry compared to playing the stream directly in my browser. All of my stuff is local (streamer and cDVR) so I don't really need a lot of compression.

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You can, but not by running the pre-built exe file. Follow the link and scroll down to the development area at the bottom. After setting everything up, you can use a text editor to edit the main.js file. That's where the encoding settings are.

One thing I noticed, was the NBC stream was always coming in around 3 - 6 Mbps, but when I changed the source stream to Fubo, it would routinely be 10+ Mbps, and looked better than NBC.

Good to know. Thank you! This opens up a lot of doors but also requires more tinkering to see what works best.

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Is anyone else getting really patchy performance on Intel Macs as well?

I've tried with 2 MacBook Pros, first with a Core i7-6920HQ / AMD Radeon Pro 450, and then that kept freezing, a Core i9-9980HK / AMD Radeon Pro 5300M 4GB - both with automatic graphics switching off. When trying to play Weatherscan or a similar source, both will freeze up once complex CSS animation starts to play (like 2 seconds after the loading screen), with the message in the logs:

2023/07/20 20:49:55.425147 [HLS] ffmpeg: chrome-weatherscan:  [matroska,webm @ 0x841a3c0] Length 7 indicated by an EBML number's first byte 0x02 at pos 28073043 (0x1ac5c53) exceeds max length 4.
2023/07/20 20:49:55.425548 [HLS] ffmpeg: chrome-weatherscan:  [matroska,webm @ 0x841a3c0] Seek to desired resync point failed. Seeking to earliest point available instead.
2023/07/20 20:50:05.924514 [HLS] ffmpeg: chrome-weatherscan:  [matroska,webm @ 0x841a3c0] Unknown element C6 at pos. 0x25d2718 with length 0x6af8d86 considered as invalid data. Last known good position 0x25bfdd6, 2 unknown elements in a row
2023/07/20 20:50:05.924645 [HLS] ffmpeg: chrome-weatherscan:  [matroska,webm @ 0x841a3c0] Seek to desired resync point failed. Seeking to earliest point available instead.

Tried all the combinations - different CC4C versions, running from source with different Chrome/Chromium versions... and it just kept freezing up.

But most bizarrely... trying the same on an M1 Mac is smooth and works just as you expect. It's so weird! I know Apple Silicon really shines with this stuff, but the spec of the Intels shouldn't be performing as horribly as it does. I wonder if there's an issue with the compiled ffmpeg for the Intel Macs...

I’m using an Intel MacBook Pro (2017) and don’t get any freezing and for the most part it’s pretty smooth although not perfect…

Retaining the authentication(s) in case of stopped might be the next thing.

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CC4C in general requires a lot more computer horsepower than Channels-dvr itself. IME is as not as easy on resources as the other projects like miibeez/vlc docker images. I cannot get decent video from the CC4C docker unless it is run on something well beyond a minipc. But running on another system with lots of CPU it seems to produce better video quality.

Disregard my deleted post just above, the container would launch but streaming wouldn't start -- so, let's try this again:

version: '3.9'
    image: fancybits/chrome-capture-for-channels
    container_name: cc4channels
      - sh 
      - -c 
      - |
        Xvfb :99 -screen 0 1920x1080x16 &
        x11vnc -display :99 &
        node main.js
    #  /dev/dri:/dev/dri 
      - 5589:5589 # cc4channels proxy port
      - 5900:5900 # VNC port for entering credentials
    user: '0:0'
      - TZ=US/Mountain # Set to your local timezone
      - /data/cc4channels:/home/chrome/.config # Map to desired storage location on the host (left side of ":")
    restart: unless-stopped
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Just installed this, very cool.

My Channels setup: DVR server installed on an Unraid box; Chrome Capture for Channels running on a Win10 PC; clients all on on Nvidia Shields. DVR server is the pre-release, clients are all latest betas.

Having one issue: When the Chrome Video Capture window is closed on the PC and I click on a program from the guide on a client, the Chrome Capture window opens on the PC as expected but the screen remains blank and the client displays a "Connection Lost (17)" error. If I switch to a different channel on the client then back to first selection, the Chrome Video Capture now displays the stream correctly and the channel is shown on the client. In short, on my setup, the Video Capture window needs to already open on the PC for everything to work properly. Not a big deal but I'm wondering why and if I can fix it. I have a light programming background and the screenshot below appears to show that the problem is related to the Target being closed:

Hoping someone can chime in, thanks!

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Question I'm now getting poor video / stuttering on my CC4C pc...i haven't done much other than add a video card to rid me of the borders and switch TV to hard wired vs wifi......that shouldnt cause these issue.....right??

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I had it working on my Mac logging into NBC with my YouTube TV login, but sometime recently it started giving me an error when trying to login to anything Google related:

Couldn't sign you in This browser or app may not be secure. Learn more Try using a different browser. If you're already using a supported browser, you can refresh your screen and try again to sign in.

Using Chrome outside of CC4C works fine.

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What kind of video card did you add? I'm running an i7-8700 and a GTX 1050, and used to get stuttering when the CC4C machine's screen would go to sleep. I'm running headless, so just changed it to never sleep and the judder stopped.

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For some reason this stopped working for me with the latest channels dvr pre-release.

Apparently I'm the only one with the problem.
Since yesterday when I launch a channel that previously worked, I can see chrome startup, that channel is playing, but channels dvr never picks it up. just spins. after a bit, it tried to relaunch the channel again. Once in a great while it will play. Usually not.
I'm running the latest pre-release.

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks for this! I am a big newbie when it comes to Github and Channels in general. Do you know of a good tutorial that will let me decipher Github to add some of these TVE channels back? The extent of my skills are currently going to "inspect element" and then copying and pasting a .m3u8 link into channels.

Thank you once again

Yeah, no issues for me on server 2023.07.23.2124. I assume you have tried rebooting everything? :grinning: Strange that a setup that was working, now isn't.

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