Chrome Capture for Channels

Also... curious if anyone has had any luck getting C-SPAN streams to work? Some providers don't have TVE for C-SPAN, but there are video streams available on their site here: C-SPAN Live Stream | | but CC4C doesn't seem to see the player and just loads the webpage instead.

Just updating my own question after a bunch of experimentation - not sure what changed, but I uninstalled a bunch of unnecessary programs since this Mac Mini is not my primary machine any longer, and it's cleaned up the reliability of the stream immensely. Note, these weren't programs that were running in the background, but just programs that I had installed like Adobe Creative Cloud. I'm able to tune most streams without an issue now. I haven't stress-tested more than one stream just yet, but that's next on my list!

I only see the error using CCapture, never in my regular browsers. Tried on a win 10 and a win 11 machine and see the same error on both. So, have removed those channels for now.

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I'm wondering about this too. If you click the "full screen" button manually, the side banners go away...but of course, that then displays to the full screen size.

Hi there,
I used the followin glink in my cc4c instance.
BBC World service.

The picture was ok and Philo does work.

So for those having the NBC channel issue. I was able to resolve via a few methods. First I had to remove all AdBlocking mechanisms. Then added this to the main.js

await page.evaluate(`(function() {
          let video = document.querySelector('video')
'position', 'fixed', 'important')
 = '0'
 = '0'
 = '100%'
 = '100%'
 = '999000'
 = 'black'
 = 'none'
 = 'translate(0, 0)'
 = 'contain'

          video.muted = false

          let header = document.querySelector('.header-container')
          if (header) {
   = '0'
        await page.waitForSelector('live-player')
        await page.evaluate(`(function() {
          let video = document.querySelector('live-player')
'position', 'fixed', 'important')
 = '0'
 = '0'
 = '100%'
 = '100%'
 = '999000'
 = 'black'
 = 'none'
 = 'translate(0, 0)'
 = 'contain'

          video.muted = false

          let header = document.querySelector('.responsive-app__header')
          if (header) {
   = 'none'

Fixed the autoplay issue

That is the same exact link format I am using, and it works, except that the program always starts from the beginning as opposed to live. There's a setting in Philo that is supposed to start the program from live if turned on. Well, I have it turned on, but all programs still start from the beginning. It does this with just regular use on the web and in the apps on firestick and ipdad as well. I'm at a complete loss. Seems like a glitch with Philo themselves.

Actually I stand corrected. It plays live on the firestick app (haven’t tried ipad yet), but when doing it on the web, it always starts from the beginning.

Hi there,
in Philo, in settings set it to where it plays from live by default.

Yes, he said he did that:

In reference to freecast, and the screen shot showing the side menu getting in the way, my Res is not above 1080. The app is a bit odd, I can manually go full screen, and get rid of the side menu, but I can't find a way to automatically make that happen when recording a show. I'm trying to find out if there is a magic URL path that does that launches full screen automatically, but I can't find one.

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Don't know how many more times to say it, if your display res is not above 1080p you're going to get bars. Been discussed tons of times in this thread.

Have you used Freecast @GTFan? I have and that’s not what kind of bar this is. I have the exact same issue and it’s an unclosable menu bar that he’s talking about which appears and does not go away. My resolution is far above 1080, running 4K resolution.

@GTFan also this simply isn't true. Also has been discussed here. It has to actually do with the aspect ratio of the actual viewport. You can confirm this by manually making the browser window slightly smaller.

Sorry, never got that to work, the only fix for me was greater than 1080p. Didn't realize that freecast was a special case.

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I am confused, I have spectrum, is there a script to run to use channels - I would love pac12 network.

Do you have the whole list?

Use Spectrum on your PC. You will see the TMSID in you url bar.

Looks like this: ""

If you search this thread you will find good how to guides to build this.

For the above example, this connects the WX Channel:

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="Weather Channel",Weather Channel
chrome:// - this is the url for the channels dvr?

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Address of Chrome capture pc.