Chrome Capture for Channels

You can modify the bat file to work with main.js

I tried that too but got the same results. I also tried having task scheduler fire it up when my computer would first log on and same thingā€¦errors, plus the fact that I couldnā€™t get the command line window to open minimized as well.

I have a powershell script setup to launch main.js and there is a task on task scheduler set to do this when the computer first logs in. With the exception of the having to hit play twice when starting a channel, this process is pretty flawless for me so I think Iā€™m just gonna stick with it. But thanks again for offering plenty of tips and suggestions

I think you just need to make yours headless I have no issue with it closing after channel is done. It opens a new chrome instance which is headed I assume that's what you mean

Hard to say, maybe so, but like I said I was running into a boat load of other issues too between error messages when the cmd window would pop up, and then eventually wouldnā€™t even get that far, I just got windows syntax errors. And as I said too, when the .bat file fired up, the cmd window that loads would not minimize. I wanted this hidden/minimized and I couldnā€™t get it to. Iā€™ve fiddled with it enough now I donā€™t want to risk screwing something else up. Just gonna stick with whatā€™s already working well. But thank you so much again!

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Has anyone with 12+ threads tried 2+ streams at once? Like NBC or Peacock or Youtube TV 1080p? I kind of wish I bought a Xeon, I wonder how something like 30 threads would handle this. It would be a lot cheaper than having 2-5 hdmi capture devices.

I assume 3-5 streams at once would be possible with no lag with a very powerful cpu like powerful xeon, thread ripper or new i9

I have a 12700k I use quick sync. When I get back home I'll try 3 streams.

I am running a Mac Mini M1 and I can record two streams at once from NBC and using YTTV dot com. I am not using the TVE as I am not able to authenticate with gmail for my account during the set up. (I know this is a google issue with my account)