Commercial detection failures causing dropouts on Shield TV Pro

Please also upgrade your DVR to latest prerelease using the check for update dropdown

Thank you for pointing out the NTFS issue--I was unaware of it; can easily re-format. Which FS do you suggest?

I am still not sure I follow the root cause, however--is it a filesystem issue or is it a networking issue?

It's not clear because I still haven't seen the relevant logs. I think its a network issue, but it possible that resource exhaustion in terms of disk i/o or CPU would present itself in the same way and cause the network threads to be unable to drain data.

If you can check the filesystem that will be a great first step. exFAT is preferred for the SHIELD.

Please update to the latest prerelease and resubmit diagnostics immediately after the upgrade completes.

OK, thanks--reformatting the usb drive now. Got antsy so spun up a t4g.micro in us-west-1 and so far it definitely feels more responsive than my old setup; CPU accumulating enough that I may bump it down to a nano if that continues. Only real cost risk appears to be with storage, so giving it a whirl with cold HDD (sc1) EBS. If this ends up working and I can keep the storage costs down I may just continue running it there.

Was it definitely ntfs before? Were you able to upgrade and submit diagnostics first?

Definitely NTFS. Have not upgraded yet. I thought diagnostics were short-lived and irrelevant at this point unless it was just after a failure?

Given that the shield is so flaky, and I'm also learning that CPU usage appears to be minimal (with the possible exception of commercial detection), if I do decide to run one "on prem" I'm wondering if a raspberry pi would be more stable as well as allow for better storage options (e.g. xfs on sata)?

It's fine. I was trying to collect some more diagnostics to see if we can identify NTFS drives and warn users during setup.