Commercial Detection for In-Process Recordings (Catch-up to live broadcast - especially useful for live sports/events)

Unfortunately they ignore a lot of stuff, like shows in the grid guide being 3-4 hours off if you scroll around it in Android. It makes the grid guide useless in that app, very basic and easy to replicate for anyone that would care.

I have given them a lot of credit for fixing issues that have been raised here by me and many others, but some of the easily replicated, common stuff like this that's seen by many doesn't even get acknowledged as worth a fix.


This is just a Community Discussion Forum where you can vent your gripes, but...
Acknowledgement of bug reports - General - Channels Community

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The problem, as always, is that certain stuff gets ack'ed here and a lot doesn't. Even if the users provide examples, how to replicate etc. as in this thread.

And there are plenty of reports that stuff sent to official support gets ignored. I've sent some stuff and got responses on some but not others.

My point being that official support and dev responses here seem to have similar results. Just an observation, not a slam, and yeah I know it's just a few folks that have to deal with it. I do give them all the credit for rapid response on the big issues, but there's a lot of chronic smaller stuff like this that never gets fixed or even ack'ed.

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March Madness is approaching - would be great to auto-skip those commercials to catch up to live.

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