Commercial Detection Problem

I have it turned OFF on the server page but it's still detecting commercials on some channels, such as NBC New Now. Is there another setting I need to adjust? I need it off because it uses too much cpu.

Channels app is on nVidia Shield (android) and the server is on my Win10 desktop. Everything is up-to-date. Thanks.

You're probably encountering this, which doesn't use any CPU.
As far as I know, the only way to opt out of that is to stay on the stable release build (currently Version 2022.02.09.0020) and don't update to prerelease.

Thanks for the info. However I just checked and I am currently on the stable release but still having this issue. The app version is 4.2.0 if that is relevant.

If you have commercial detection set to OFF then the CPU expensive stuff is off. Any commercial markers appearing are due to the smart detector which uses no resources.

The smart detector is enabled in latest DVR stable release and kicks in automatically when internet streams have ads labelled.

Ok, got it. Thanks for the explanation.

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Thanks, didn't know it was released to the last stable.

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