Cost effective NAS for TVE?

I need to move off of my Synology NAS since it is ARM based, so I can use TVE.

I'd love to hear recommendations for low-cost Intel based NAS products that support TVE.

Is a NAS mandatory?

Personally, I find something like a low-power late model NUC-style device to be quite sufficient. If you're looking to go even more budget friendly, the RPi4 should suffice, too.

The Synology DS218+ runs on a dual core Celeron, is very popular with Channels users, and is priced comparably to the bare bones NUCs suggested above. I don't know exactly which model you have now, but you may be able to re-use your current drive(s) too. (I run Channels on a quad core Celeron DS718+ but that is probably overkill.)

See NAS Recommendations

Thanks, I'm concerned a NUC style device would require some occasional attention, and I prefer to have something I can setup once then ignore it.

I have a Synology DS218play so yes, I could re-use the HDs. But the 218+ is $300, which seems like a lot just to get TVE

You can usually get a refurbished wd pr2100 starting around $210

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They do great Hardware Transcoding also.

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