Custom Order Collections Bug

Hey all, just thought I'd share what seems to be a bug on the latest pre-release on the server. I just updated and went to re-arrange some of the movies I have in a collection set to custom order and when I it doesn't reorder as expected. I drag and drop to a certain position and it drops into a totally different spot!

Anybody else seeing this?

What browser and version

Safari and 2021.11.17.0014

What version of safari.

Version 15.1 (17612.

I'm experiencing this too. I was editing a collection with a smart rule for a label that I just assigned to some additional movies. Initially the date sorting worked correctly, then I changed to custom sort and experienced the bug. Then I tried switching back to date sorting and now that isn't sorting as expected.

Submitted some logs. macOS 12.0.1, Safari Version 15.1 (17612.

For anyone else looking for a quick fix, creating a new collection and copying the settings seems to work fine. Sorting is as expected.

@Maddox any luck with this? Just updated to the latest pre-release and still seeing this bug. I also just confirmed this happens on Firefox browser as well.

This hasn’t been looked at yet.

Sorry for reviving a dormant thread but this is a longstanding bug. I've mostly dealt with it by copying the collection and re-sorting but I've grown tired of doing it. The ability to custom sort properly will be fine for 1-2 days but any collection older than that becomes unsortable. Is there a chance someone can take a look at it again and see what's going on?

Screen recording for reference:
Dropbox link

Thanks for badgering about this. You’re right. We’ll look at this soon.

It’s actually a kind of complicated bug, but it’s a terrible one that needs to be addressed.

We’ll look at it soon.

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This has been resolved in the latest pre-release.

This issue was a mess of bugs that have now been addressed.

The gist is, the collections/virtual channels were basically only showing SOME items in the collection/virtual channel, when there were secretly more. Therefore when you dragged to reorder items, they weren't actually being put in an order that mapped to the actual list of items.

Some reasons why:

  1. Shows without any episodes are hidden by default in Channels. Some shows were actually in the collection, but not shown. -> They are now shown.

  2. Smart Rules were pulling in shows without episodes, and they were then hidden in the UI. -> Smart Rules no longer do this.

  3. Movies that were deleted, were not being removed from Collections or Virtual Channels. -> They are now removed from Collections when deleted.

  4. Episodes and Videos that were deleted, were not being removed from Virtual Channels. -> They are now removed from Collections when deleted.

  5. TV Shows and Video Groups in a Shows Collection were grouped separately, meaning they were being reordered in separate lists when the Collection is actually a single list :man_facepalming: -> These are now grouped together.

I want to personally apologize for this taking SO long to address. This bug existed for way too long (half a decade almost :rofl:) Things should be better now.