Custom Source Ignores "codec=copy"

When using the M3U output from one DVR as a custom source for another DVR, the "codec=copy" parameter seems to be ignored completely. When starting playback it will sometimes transcode at 2Mb and others at 8Mb even when the original bitrate is higher.

Example Text Source:

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="BallySouth" tvg-id="289" tvg-chno="289" tvg-logo="" tvc-guide-stationid="11130" tvg-name="BSSONC1" group-title="HD",BALLY SOUTH

Sounds like Adaptive Bitrate is being used.
Try adding &abr=false

Ot it might be the recent changes for MacOS in the prereleases. Try the latest.

That's strange. I'll look into it to see why that isn't doing what you expect.

@eric did you find anything?

Yep. I was able to figure out what was going on and am working on a fix.

Try this build.


Thanks, working great.

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