Data privacy with personal media

What is the data retention policy for personal media connected to the Channels DVR Server? Does Channels store filenames on their servers? And do they store watch activity on their servers as well?

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Unless you submit diagnostics logs, nothing is sent to Channels.

The only information beyond your account/subscription that is shared is your home's IP if you enable remote access, and that is wholly automated.

(I would hate to be proven wrong, but I don't think I am.)

(I believe this post was prompted by Plex's recent update and opt-out change to share viewing information with "friends".)

Many users in the past have requested integration with services like Trakt which aggregate and share viewing data, but such integrations have not been implemented.

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Yeah Channels DVR definitely doesn’t need this kind of feature! :open_mouth:


Really?! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: lol.

Channels DVR has no privacy in home. It is designed to be a "Whole Home DVR".
One global user, all peoples use the same interface and content. See all record/watch history etc.
There is no separate accounts or profiles to segregate or make private a single users activity.
So, one assumes no privacy by using CDVR as it was designed to.
If you enable remote access, then any remote user also has the same access and visibility as you.
And there is no feature to "share" just your activity to some external sources.
So, this is a pointless debate, comparing 2 types of software's that work completely deferent.

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Huh? Who’s “debating” anything here? OP just asked a reasonable question. Conversation flowed naturally, I don’t see anyone expressing disagreement.