DEPRECATED: PC Stream for Channels (DRM Workaround) | No new hardware required!

I’ve been using the miibeez/vlc-bridge-pbs Docker with Channels for a long time and it works seamlessly and I believe PBS is using DRM. Why can’t this be adapted to other channels like NBC?

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Yeah, exactly. It's been asked multiple times how PBS can be made to work and NBC can't.

I have been exploring Xvfb but honestly did not make it very far yesterday.

Here's what I have gotten to thus far.

Start a Xvfb running firefox:

xvfb-run -n 99 -a --server-args="-screen 0 1024x8000x24 -ac -nolisten tcp -dpi 96 +extension RANDR" /snap/bin/firefox

Start recording with FFMPEG and make available via port 4444:

ffmpeg -video_size 640x1208 -f x11grab -i :99 -c:v libx264 -c:a aac  -g 50 -b:v 4000k -maxrate 4000k -bufsize 8000k -f flv -listen 1 rtmp://localhost:4444/stream

Now tune into the virtual frame buffer from linux desktop:

ffplay -fflags -nobuffer -flags low_delay -probesize 32 -flags low_delay -analyzeduration 0 -i rtmp://localhost:4444/stream

Once more refined channels could subscribe to the the 4444 port or might have to uplink to nginx-rtmp (haven't made it this far yet).

Next steps are to get browser automation working via selenium.


Their code is private, so no one has been able to figure it out. Back in the PBS thread, they said that things like NFL and NBC were not possible. I don't think that is true, but without the code, there is no way to no for sure!

FYI, I'm working on a V2 that should eliminate a lot of the quality and control over desktop issues, and also make things a little easier for Mac/Linux transition. It is based on something Aman sent over to me, so I'm going to get it clean and documented before releasing.

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I wonder why their code is private. Has anyone reached out to them and tried to see if they would be willing to help? It would be such a game changer for all of us, especially since it appears that the DRM trend will continue.

In any case, thank you so much for all of your hard work, and I look forward to following your progress… :grinning:

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Yeah the big question is if any browser can play this DRM content, it shouldn't be impossible there has to be a way for code to be able to do it with libraries.

But no one explains why it is or isn't possible.

My four hour recording went off without a hitch (USA Network), so I think it might have been something to do with the source stream.

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I saw something yesterday that should give a lot of hope. Stay tuned!


Hi there,
I think i found someting that might help us here for those on Synology.

Solved all my (self-inflicted permission) issues and now working like a champ on my physical machine! Got Hulu working to feed my additional subscription stations that do not have TVE. Thanks @babsonnexus for all the work on this solution.

Please see:

Thanks @tmm1 for taking this to the next level!


Would you please provide the link to the GitHub? I’d love to try this!

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I was able to install the Docker and add the custom channel and now I have a channel named “Weahterscan”. How would I add NBC?

Thanks :grinning:


You'll find your answers over in the other thread, so head over there:

Thank you :grinning:

Does this work with normal chrome? Not needing a chrome:// link that doesn't keep and save login information like the other chrome capture?

In my experience, CC4C does remember logins after the first time.

You could say this uses "normal" Chrome, but this method as I last worked on it completely took over Chrome, so you couldn't use Chrome for anything else. CC4C is much more elegant. That said, there may be an upgraded use for this in the future, we'll see........

You all are referring to the DRM that makes the tve feed go black when you use any type of screen recorder right? If so, the fix is to disable hardware acceleration.

Just noticed someone suggested this. I'll leave this here anyway in case it helps someone. Disabling hardware acceleration fixed DRM issues for me.