Did latest Update break XFINITY TVE?

I lost all my Cable channels on TVE Xfinity just have the freebies... since the latest update.

I am seeing this a lot ....

2020/09/01 17:25:07.228941 [TVE] action=script_error err=&runtime.ExceptionDetails{ExceptionID:1, Text:"Uncaught", LineNumber:12, ColumnNumber:15, ScriptID:"84", URL:"", StackTrace:(*runtime.StackTrace)(0xc00050e5c0), Exception:(*runtime.RemoteObject)(0xc00052f320), ExecutionContextID:0} exp=&runtime.RemoteObject{Type:"object", Subtype:"error", ClassName:"TypeError", Value:easyjson.RawMessage(nil), UnserializableValue:"", Description:"TypeError: Cannot set property 'value' of null\n at formLogin (tveloginhelper.js:13:16)\n at xfinityLogin (tveloginhelper.js:191:5)\n at tveloginhelper.js:235:5", ObjectID:"{"injectedScriptId":2,"id":3}", Preview:(*runtime.ObjectPreview)(nil), CustomPreview:(*runtime.CustomPreview)(nil)} exp_value=TypeError: Cannot set property 'value' of null
at formLogin (tveloginhelper.js:13:16)
at xfinityLogin (tveloginhelper.js:191:5)
at tveloginhelper.js:235:5
2020/09/01 17:25:07.263881 [TVE] Channel scan 132/209 NBATV failed: TypeError: Cannot set property 'value' of null
at formLogin (tveloginhelper.js:13:16)
at xfinityLogin (tveloginhelper.js:191:5)
at tveloginhelper.js:235:5

2020/09/01 17:16:33.803431 [TVE] action=script_error err=&runtime.ExceptionDetails{ExceptionID:1, Text:"Uncaught", LineNumber:12, ColumnNumber:15, ScriptID:"63", URL:"", StackTrace:(*runtime.StackTrace)(0xc000d2adc0), Exception:(*runtime.RemoteObject)(0xc0013b41b0), ExecutionContextID:0} exp=&runtime.RemoteObject{Type:"object", Subtype:"error", ClassName:"TypeError", Value:easyjson.RawMessage(nil), UnserializableValue:"", Description:"TypeError: Cannot set property 'value' of null\n at formLogin (tveloginhelper.js:13:16)\n at xfinityLogin (tveloginhelper.js:191:5)\n at tveloginhelper.js:235:5", ObjectID:"{"injectedScriptId":2,"id":3}", Preview:(*runtime.ObjectPreview)(nil), CustomPreview:(*runtime.CustomPreview)(nil)} exp_value=TypeError: Cannot set property 'value' of null
at formLogin (tveloginhelper.js:13:16)
at xfinityLogin (tveloginhelper.js:191:5)
at tveloginhelper.js:235:5
2020/09/01 17:16:33.845290 [TVE] Channel scan 65/209 IFC failed: TypeError: Cannot set property 'value' of null
at formLogin (tveloginhelper.js:13:16)
at xfinityLogin (tveloginhelper.js:191:5)
at tveloginhelper.js:235:5

I am with XFINITY and am getting auth_timed_out on every channel. I am also on the latest version as of this afternoon.

Please submit diagnostics

Logs have been submitted as 9e007fa2-52c2-44e9-add0-95ae29a9d865


@psperry I think you need to remove and readd xfinity. Check first that your login works on nbc.com/live in a chrome incognito window

@Edwin_Perez can you click rescan next to NBC in the pencil edit menu then submit diagnostics after

It scanned NBC and I can Watch it ? Should I scan for new channels ?

Okay then scan channels one by one until it fails then submit diagnostics.

It prompted me to reset password on NBC. Annoying because I don't use this login for anything but Channels.

Failed after a few channels -- 255548ba-1aaa-4683-b0d2-e97cdfa12964

It failed on the very first one ... CNN

Logs have been submitted as 47499a5d-41e5-420b-861b-df248c5a053d

Actually went through the entire scanning process and then did not add anything.


That is exactly what happened to me just added the freebies.

Just tried my usual Channels account with the new password and my primary account that almost always works. Both timed out.


I reset the password of the viewer account using the same password appears to be working.

That did not work for me. Interesting thing is that when I check my viewer password, it has reverted back to the original even after I have changed it twice.

What I did was reset it to the one it had. Then I logged into xfinity with it and and clicked on "everything looks good"

It found all my channels plus hallmark drama.

Hmmm, fiddled around and got it to accept my new password. Scanning now. Fingers crossed.

Edit: Seems fine now. For me the trick was to login to my viewer account after changing the password. Otherwise, it doesn't seem to take. No idea why it was flagged to force change in the first place.