Disk full error while watching live tv

Can you submit diagnostics from the device? I can double-check what the actual free disk space is.

Sent diagnostics at 3:52 PM EST.

Thanks :grinning:

Is this issue happening to you more than once? I see that it did happen to you, but I also see that you currently have 4GB free on the device and that we only tried to use 1.8GB of cache, so it's confusing why it ran out of disk space, but it looks like it may have freed up more.

I'm going to look at what we can do to handle this situation better.

Thanks Eric. In regards to your question, it only happened the once on this occasion before I force closed the Channels app and re-tuned the channel. That said, when this does happen, it can occur multiple times within a short window.

In the meantime, would it make sense to apply the suggestion above regarding local streaming?

Easy enough to change the setting in the client and try. You can always change it back.

Did you force quit the app because it quit operating or you just wanted to be safe? That shouldn't be needed and it won't really help anything to do that if the app is still functioning. (depending on when you force quit the app, it could prevent it from doing some of the normal disk cleanup that it would otherwise do)

I have a fix in the works that should prevent the no space left on device error, but I'm still finishing testing it.


I force quit the app to be safe, it was still responding. That said, thank you for working on a fix as it’s greatly appreciated! :grinning:

The latest Testflight beta will better handle these sorts of situations and should prevent the out of disk space error from happening.

Just for clarification, I’m not using a HDHomeRun for streaming as all of my live content is delivered via TVE. Will this fix still be applicable?

Thanks again for your hard work! :grinning:

Sorry, yes. It’s for all direct streaming at home.

That’s great news Eric. I updated to the new version and we’ll see how it goes. Thanks again :grinning:

Update: This morning I had multiple disk full errors, occurring every few minutes making live tv unwatchable. I submitted multiple log files in order to catch additional errors. The errors start at approximately 7:52 AM EST 2/4.

I had exactly the same issue last night. I finally gave up on Channels and watched live tv using Plex. Which worked perfectly.

Yeah, the only temporary solution for me when this happens is to restart or power cycle my Apple TV, which I assume releases the cache until the issue eventually returns once again…

@_Mike I don't see any diagnostics from you.

@Ahwman Wow this is really crazy. Your Apple TV only had 196MB free out of 29.5GB. Something is definitely odd if the OS is not freeing up disk space. When we've seen issues like this, sometimes it has worked to delete some apps on your system (in System Settings go to General -> Manage Storage). Other times it's required doing a System -> Reset on the device to completely wipe the disk and start over.

I know this is a terrible situation, but so far Apple has not been willing to do anything to fix it.

Outside of the video cache (that is only active during playback), the app only has 7MB of other (image) cached data on the drive, so the issue is coming from another app or the system.

We've done everything we can to fit into this very tiny available disk space, but I really can't think of anything else other than wiping the Apple TV that would fix it if it hasn't resolved itself with a restart.

Thanks for the advise Eric. That said, I will try to delete some apps before doing the nuclear option. The biggest nightmare of rebuilding an Apple TV is signing into all of the apps again. If I was certain it would fix the issue, I would most certainly do it. For now, I’ll try to free up some space. I’ve also set up an automation to power cycle my ATV every morning as a just in case…

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You're right - It was later in the evening and I didn't feel like dealing with it. Next time it happens, I will submit logs and let you know.

@eric Happening again tonight. Diagnostics submitted.

@_Mike it doesn't appear you're running the TestFlight beta.

Your Apple TV only has 84MB free. You'll need to free up more disk space to be able to have anything work:

You can join our TestFlight beta program by visiting Channels — Beta Program from an iPhone or iPad and then downloading the TestFlight app on your Apple TV.

If you do not have an iPhone or iPad please email your Apple ID email address to support@getchannels.com and we can add you.

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