As a retired Linux network dev I don't see how this is anything more than a trivial update but of course I don't know the code. As has been said, anything less than an hour you show in minutes anything more you show hours minutes. Works no matter where you're at in the UI and that's the way every other app that I know of treats video. I mean look at YouTube, tons of stuff there is less than an hour but when you go more than an hour it shows as hours minutes. Same for pretty much all the other streaming apps and of course all the other DVRs as I said.
If someone can find a mainstream app that does what channels does I'd be curious to see it, I was surprised/mystified to see this behavior. It's illogical IMO.
I'll give you a perfect example, the British Open is coming up soon and all the recordings are something like 400 to 600 something minutes instead of logically showing as 8 to 10 hours etc. Happens all the times with sports.