Display shows in hours:minutes instead of just minutes

Channels is the only DVR I've seen where everything is displayed only in minutes. This isn't a big deal for shorter stuff but when you're routinely recording sports events that can last 4 hours or more it's kind of a pain to mentally translate all the time where you're at in a show.

Would love to see shows visually as hours and minutes instead of just minutes, in all screens.


Yes. I have noticed this, and it bugs me now, having migrated from Plex/Infuse. Never actually noticed it until now. It also is hard since it does not show min:sec to be able to pinpoint a scene. Also, i would prefer to see how much is left in the video on the right side, not the total duration.

What makes it even more odd to me is that it does show hours:min if you play something in the web browser player but not in any other app that I have noticed. My old brain just doesn't think in total minutes. I am accustomed to the hours:min format.

Be careful what you wish for.
They could display it in seconds.ms

Seriously? That's a silly answer to a valid request.

Like I said, the only DVR out there I know of that does this.

I agree. It's just that I've found you don't always get what you ask for, but something close.

I’m downloading some YouTube subscriptions into Channels and some of include “shorts” that are just a minute or three long. So for that content, minutes (and seconds) would be preferable. For TV shows and movies, I’d prefer hours and minutes.

This is a good request, I just don’t think it’s that simple to implement in a way that would make everyone happy.

I support the request.
For anything over 60 minutes, it should display in HOUR:MINUTE format.

I think the computer should do that math for you and display to you in common formats.
It's like here's a 234,567,341,958,121 bit file. Huh, translate please.
That's 27,307 Gibibytes or 29,320 Gigabytes, or 26 Tebibytes or 29 Terabytes.

Agreed and voted.

As a retired Linux network dev I don't see how this is anything more than a trivial update but of course I don't know the code. As has been said, anything less than an hour you show in minutes anything more you show hours minutes. Works no matter where you're at in the UI and that's the way every other app that I know of treats video. I mean look at YouTube, tons of stuff there is less than an hour but when you go more than an hour it shows as hours minutes. Same for pretty much all the other streaming apps and of course all the other DVRs as I said.

If someone can find a mainstream app that does what channels does I'd be curious to see it, I was surprised/mystified to see this behavior. It's illogical IMO.

I'll give you a perfect example, the British Open is coming up soon and all the recordings are something like 400 to 600 something minutes instead of logically showing as 8 to 10 hours etc. Happens all the times with sports.

Infuse does it right, and you can change it to show time remaining or total length etc.

Most anything, even ye olde VCR was always hh:mm:ss for time shown and position.
Never seen anything else other than Channels just do mm only.
Quite odd.

It is not that hard to get used to it, but, i hate having to do math to calculate how much time is remaining of the video I am watching.

That makes sense. Well said! One other suggestion in this same vein, which I would love to see, at least for recordings and imports, is to add the toggle that the native tvOS player has:


As of the latest TestFlight beta, durations are now shown in hours and mins, when over an hour. Additionally, duration and time remaining now use time code in the timeline when playing back a recording.


lolz. And i was just getting used to seeing min and doing maths in my head. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Thank You for this change.


Thanks Jon, much appreciated!


This is awesome! Thanks for getting to this one!

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