New subscriber here. I've looked through other topics but am struggling to find similar examples, apologies for any overlap.
I have some duplicate channels that share EPG data. I understand tvg-id is used to map data and does not need to be unique. The tvg-id is being mapped correctly to all channels, but I only get guide data for the first channel and not any duplicates which follow it. Am I doing something wrong?
#EXTINF:0 CUID="135645" tvg-name="SE| SVT1" tvg-ID="guide2go.69430.schedulesdirect.org" tvg-logo="svt1.png" group-title="Sweden",SE| SVT1
#EXTINF:0 CUID="135682" tvg-name="SE| SVT1 HD" tvg-ID="guide2go.69430.schedulesdirect.org" tvg-logo="svt1.png" group-title="Sweden",SE| SVT1 HD
#EXTINF:0 CUID="135646" tvg-name="SE| SVT2" tvg-ID="guide2go.69431.schedulesdirect.org" tvg-logo="svt2.png" group-title="Sweden",SE| SVT2
#EXTINF:0 CUID="135683" tvg-name="SE| SVT2 HD" tvg-ID="guide2go.69431.schedulesdirect.org" tvg-logo="svt2.png" group-title="Sweden",SE| SVT2 HD
<channel id="guide2go.69430.schedulesdirect.org">
<channel id="guide2go.69431.schedulesdirect.org">
Manage lineup in channels, guide data indexed and auto mapped by system
Guide view, system missing data for any duplicate instances of either channel
Is it because I have CUID in the m3u instead of channel-id? I have also seen channelID used by some programs like xTeVe.
From reading other topics here though, it seems that if CUID is ignored the system should then look at tvg-name which also seems to hold unique values in my example above.
Replacing CUID with channel-id made no difference so I am pretty lost. Could it be a bug?