DVR cleanup

This is basic file operations 101. It's the kind of stuff that would typically be designed in as primary user operation, prior to adding fringe items like pretty images next to TV shows. I'm sure there are many users that would really appreciate the simple ability to delete multiple files at one time via the user interface.

racameron, it's a mystery to me [and probably many others] why you continually come into this forum and poo poo on the fine ideas from the community whose intentions are to draw from their experience and simply make this great software better than it is today.

Thank you.

I don't understand that response to a community member trying to help and answer questions. If it was directed to me I would reply otherwise.

I'll let racameron defend himself, but most of us in this community are posting here to help fellow users, ask questions about how to use the software and improve the software we chose and pay to use instead of attacking others for answering questions, helping or expressing their personal opinions.

Just like everyone else here, I pay to use this software.

The devs have created a great piece of work, are very responsive and continually innovate.
Everyone has different needs and wants, but the devs decide what they get.
When I'm no longer a happy user with that, I'll discontinue my subscription, which I've done with other projects in the past.

There are many things I'd like the software to do for me that it doesn't currently.
If I want it bad enough, I express my opinion and find a work-around if possible.
The devs have implemented some of those things, and I've done some work-arounds for others.

This is the Channels User Community, not a Plex, SiliconDust or TiVo support site.

Fair enough.

It's not the suggestions being "poo pooed", but rather the nature of the suggestions. In nearly every one of your posts asking a question or requesting a feature, you are given an answer or solution by another forum member or developer. Then in response to proffered solution or response, you generally counter with why the given solution doesn't work or is inadequate, and then posit how it should be done to fit your personal workflow.

The developers (a small group of only 3 individuals) have done a tremendous job crafting software that does its intended purpose quite well. In addition, they are quite attentive to their user community and exceptionally quick and responsive in addressing bugs and responding to user concerns. In spite of this, you regularly seem to dismiss the solution immediately after it is given.

The developers are "drawing from their experience" and have created this software, which many users seem to like as it is. I understand that you may have different experiences and wish your software to work differently than I, and in that situation (which Channels seems to fall for you), then perhaps it would be better for you to find software that more closely aligns with your use case and expectations, rather than constantly dismissing the solutions to your problems with proposals for changes.


Neither one of you added any positive or helpful information to this thread.

9 months ago the work-around was given.

Until the devs change things, what else is there to say?
Just a suggestion, take it or leave it, but create a compelling use case for your need of a feature request you proposed.

If you didn't understand a good reason to have an option for multiple file deletion, inside the software, from the posts in this thread, then I don't know what more to say, other than to add another nod that it is a needed feature. I would, however, understand if it's a feature that you might not use much. It would appear that the developers recognize the need for it, and hopefully would consider keeping it on the priority list. It would seem that it's been hanging out there for nearly 2 years, and this isn't the only thread looking for it.

Not that this should matter, but I enjoy the software, so I'm not going to threaten to leave like some other users might when see something they don't like. I do trust that the developers add some of these more basic file operation features. Additionally, I don't believe in "take it or leave it," so if you want to continue telling users what to do, I can't do much about that, but I always believe in continual improvement and will continue to make suggestions for software improvements regardless of the negativity that the suggestions seem to face.

This is the crux of the matter. The developers have already indicated that they are aware that this is an area in which the interface is lacking. Additionally, they have also indicated that it is on their radar, and have indicated that it is on their to-do list to improve.

However, until such a time as the developers have these additions ready, it really does no one any good to constantly lament a missing feature, accompanied by post after post of how the feature should work once it's implemented.

(It's a bit similar to constantly hearing "Are we there yet?!" from the backseat while on a car trip, interspersed with exclamations of "But, WHY?!" The developers know it's an issue, they're working on implementing it, and when it's ready and revealed, at that point you can submit requests for how it doesn't meet your standards.)

I would like to give the community an apology for two things:

  1. Deviating from the original intent of this thread, and
  2. Giving a rats crap about what a couple misc other users think of good suggestions.

The problem is that this is an edge case request from the dozens of requests / demands / threats others have made. At the end of this day, it doesn't impact functionality so it's hard to prioritize. It may be important to you and a few others does it satisfy the needs of the many or just the few?

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This topic has been talked to death isn't progressing much. Closing the thread.

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