Dvr options aren't showing up after app restart

No known issues here…

Where is the DVR running?

I have also seen this behavior. (Current workaround was just to exit and reopen app). Not a major issue as there were other items that seemed more pressing. (and I have a managed cisco switch that may cause some issues with the initial discovery broadcast…so was not sure if it was actually a channels item)

This has been happening a while with both the ATV4 store app and the beta app for at least the last 4 DVR releases.

Currently on the DVR test release 2017.03.18.0237 (same issue)

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This just happened to me. I am using the Windows DVR version 2017.07.13.0055 with the Apple TV app version 2.1.34 and HDHomeRun Prime with firmware version 20170612beta1. Here is what happened:

  1. The Apple TV app lost its connection to the tuner because the IP of the tuner changed. Oddly enough, the DVR did not lose its connection to the tuner.
  2. I restarted the Apple TV app because I read on these forums that should fix it.
  3. Upon restart, the app was able to locate the tuner by scanning for it. However, all of the DVR options were missing.
  4. I read this post and had to restart the app again for it to find both the tuner and the DVR.

I created a DHCP reservation for the tuner and my DVR PC in the hopes that this won’t happen again.

This happens to me fairly frequently. I open the app or switch to it and the DVR options are not there.

ATV4 with hd homerun connect
DVR is running on raspberry pi

This happens to my frequently as well. I tried restarting my NAS that has the channels DVR software and router following some advice in another thread- that fixes it sometimes but it still seems more often than not the DVR options are not shown the first time I open the app

Just pushed out a new tvOS beta build which includes some improvements to the DVR discovery code. Give it a try and let us know if it helps.

Hello not making any difference for me. First launch doesn’t show the DVR tabs. Returning to home screen and re-entering the app does show DVR tabs.

Quoting the app via the app switcher and then re-launching does not show DVR

Not any different for me either. Going in and out of app or quitting app does not get the DVD tabs to show up either. The thing that seems to work is rebooting the raspberry pi that the dvr is running on

I will say that my router randomly changes the IP for the pi. I’m starting to think the problem may have to do with the changing IP address

Yes there is a known bug with IP address changes on the linux/windows bonjour implementation.

I recommend you setup a “static dhcp reservation” on your router for your Pi (using its mac address).

Ok I will give it a try, thank you for the response

I’ve never experienced this problem but I set up my router (Google WiFi) to reserve a static IP address the first time I added my DVR to the network (mainly to make SSH access easier to remember). All the routers I’ve used in the past usually keep, if possible, the same IP address for any device in any case. If I refresh the DHCP lease for example on my MacBook the router always allocates the same address to it rather than choosing a random non-allocated address. DHCP reservation just guarantees it if loads of devices connect at the same time and exhaust the IP pool. What router do you use that randomly allocates IP addresses like this? I’ll be sure to avoid it!!!
My setup is tvOS/iOS devices plus Debian 9.1 PC running the DVR.
Any idea if FreeBSD Bonjour is broken too?

Set a static IP in router, but still having the same issue of the DVR tabs not being available. I will note that the raspberrypi is connected via both wifi and Ethernet. So although it’s always got one constant IP, the other still changes. The only thing that seems to get them to show is rebooting the pi. Going in and out of the app or power cycling the appletv4 don’t make a difference

The multiple network connections is probably related. What does http://x.x.x.x:8089/bonjour say?

The times I’ve looked at it, it seems to be the dedicated IP, but have not always checked. I logged in to dvr this afternoon from laptop to schedule some shows to record. It was only advertising one address,(the dedicated one). An hour later turned on Apple tv to watch some recorded content and tabs were not there. Looked at the IP that the pi was connected to it was the dedicated on the Ethernet and random on WiFi. After reboot pi, the WiFi connected to dedicated IP. Tabs were available after logging back into app.

See Change Bonjour interface/IP bind order for a way to force Bonjour to advertise only on your Ethernet interface (eth0 probably)

Still having the same issue. The router assigns the dedicated ip to the pi, but it seems to be random whether it’s to the ethernet or the wifi connection. Should I try disabling the WiFi on the pi? I know how to turn it off, but not sure how to disable it so doesn’t come back up after a reboot

The dedicated ip on the router should be specified via MAC address, which is unique to each interface. Not sure why it would switch between the two interfaces.

There’s probably a way to make the wifi interface forget the login to your network.

The router shows the same Mac address twice with two different assigned IP addresses. One the dedicated one, the other random. At the moment the Ethernet is connected to the dedicated IP and things are working fine. I will turn off wifi on the pi so hopefully the router will not have another interface to assign the dedicated IP to for that device (the pi) and things will be stable.

Huh, that means one network interface has two ips.

Can you email with the output from http://x.x.x.x:8089/system/network