DVR - restrict Pass to more than one channel or HD only

Some shows I want to record appear on HD and SD channels. I don't want to record from the SD channel, but as there are more than one HD channel showing the show I would like to set the Series Pass to use all these channels. As I can'r use "Any" channel is there any way to either restrict quality to HD or select more than one channel in the Channel Number?

Advanced pass is the best way to do all kinds of things example below ....

OriginalDate > 2024-07-01 
Channel CONTAINS 2.1 
Channel CONTAINS 6.1 
Channel CONTAINS 8.1 
Channel CONTAINS 32.1 
Channel CONTAINS 702 
Channel CONTAINS 706 
Channel CONTAINS 708 
Channel CONTAINS 712 
Channel CONTAINS 12.1 
Time CONTAINS 8pm 
Time CONTAINS 9pm 
Time CONTAINS 10pm 
Genres EXCLUDES News 

You can also just favorite the hd channels in the dvr web ui and make sure the sd channels are not favorited.

Thanks for your reply. Could you explain how you achieve this? I have tried the advance option - thinking that this would be the solution. However, I add the first channel number, click add, select another channel number - but it over-rides the first number. I suppose that makes sense - so your solution must be either channel 105 or channel 110 etc etc? How do you achieve this?

You need to use contains ..... it is equivalent to OR ... and type in the channel number.


Ah - Thanks - I was using ==

Will try now - thanks

Her is another example using Genres ...

This works - thank you!

Thanks for this. How do I then limit the pass to just favorite channels? I can't seem to find that option?


Channels DVR prefers them.
Official Documentation here
What this community has found here

Ah - I think I see. I wasn't clear enough possibly. These aren't clashing broadcasts. I just want to avoid it recording SD versions of the show - whenever they are on. I just want to limit the DVR to HD quality and completely ignore any SD version.

On my source (HDHR Prime tuner) I disable all SD channels, except those few that are SD only.

Another possible variant of an advanced pass: would this work?



Edit: I'll answer my own question: no. :laughing:

I just realized that the tag is part of the EPG and not related to the actual video stream.

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I did try that one also!!!

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