DVR State of the Union - December 2016

I am new to the Channels. Been using it this week while on vacation and love it. I am looking forward to the DVR. I would like to prep for it. I need know the cheapest option for a NAS? I would only need 1TB. I am currently running 3 networked Apple TVs and two HDHR primes. I also have a Thinkserver TS140 I run as Plex server and a 2011 iMac. Not sure if I should use the iMac with a external hard drive or a cheap NAS? Thanks

Cheapest is probably Thinkserver TS140 running ubuntu and having it do plex and the dvr, dending how painful it would be for you to do with your plex library.

I am currently running Win 10 and would hate to redo the server. Might just run it on the iMac. What would be cheaper NAS. I also have seen some Mac minis for 125 that I think would work.

I am running it on my iMac. Seems to be working great!

First, the Channels app is fantastic and I canā€™t wait to see what you guys have cooked up for the DVR. Channels is one of the apps I always show people when walking them through our TV setup and I never fail to get people struggling to believe Iā€™m getting such a great picture from an antenna.

That being said, I just want to add my voice to those here asking the creators to please reconsider your pricing strategy. Iā€™m struggling to understand why the ongoing cost is necessary if EPG info is already available in the Channels app Iā€™m using today without a subscription. Are there other ongoing costs that have to be supported besides the EPG that require an ongoing cost?

Please donā€™t get me wrong, I will gladly pay again to support this dev team for your efforts on the DVR software. However, if Iā€™m supplying all of the hardware for the Channels DVR setup and already getting EPG data in the Channels app without a subscription fee, Iā€™m struggling to understand why $96/year is needed vs. a one time purchase for the DVR companion app.

Thank you again for all of your great work on this app!

I believe the EPG data you are referring to only extends 4 hours into the future, while the data provided with the DVR is significantly longer than that (which is critical for a DVR). This is information not provided with the basic app, and is something the monthly charge covers.

Thanks rcgfl, that would make more sense and I canā€™t say Iā€™ve ever used the channels guide today beyond 4 hours into the future.

If thatā€™s the case, Iā€™d really love the option to pay a one time fee for limited EPG data (even just 4 hours worth) and/or only have the ability to schedule recordings by channel and time vs. by show. I typically only want to record NFL games so the EPG data usually doesnā€™t provide much value to me beyond 4 hours anyway.

Again, the app is fantastic, I absolutely want to support the devs financially for their great work, and I donā€™t know their costs for the EPG data, but Iā€™d really love the chance for a one-time payment for a feature-limited option.

You donā€™t have to redo your Win 10 or purchase a low end NAS, if cost is a problem. You can get away with a Linux VM on Win 10. You can use Virtualbox with one of the Linux distro. Just make sure you have enough HDD space.

How would I do this on Windows Server 2008? I would like to run a VM for the dvr but canā€™t figure out how to set it up. I have plenty of CPU horsepower and hdd space. If I reboot the Windows Server will it shut down and restart the VM automatically? I tried to follow one outdated guide I found online but it didnā€™t work. For now I just setup an Ubuntu install on my old server but would rather not have to run another PC.

Also, do we have an expected release date yet? I have until the 16th to return my Tablo to Walmart and would love to have channels dvr up and running before that.

Hey all, we just added a new Hardware subcategory to the Channels DVR category.

Any questions you have about hardware, NAS models, existing setups can now be posted there. Feel free to share the crazy setup youā€™re using to run Channels DVR there, to help others get some great ideas.


First Post! - Hardware Suggestions and Reviews

Does this mean its being released soon??? :smile:

Itā€™s pretty easy to use virtual box to create the linux VM and add the vm file as a startup item.

Bet you will return the Tablo within 1 day of setting up Channels DVR.:grin:

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I was a Tablo owner before choosing Channels and I am also an alpha tester of the DVR. I can honestly tell you that Channels DVR is light years ahead of Tablo in virtually ANY category you can think of. Save yourself some time and angst and return the Tablo now. Itā€™s not worth the effort to keep it running.

Channels has faster channel load and transition times, the software is very very stable (even as an alpha), itā€™s nearly feature complete, and the support is more responsive than you can imagine on the few occasions that you may need it.

If thereā€™s any doubt in your mind about which is the better solution compare the comments in the Channels community to those in the Tablo community. Channels is hands down the best of the two.


The suspense is killing meā€¦I canā€™t wait to try it out.

Did you try Plex DVR at all? If so, how do you compare that to Channels DVR? The big difference is obviously the ability to watch live tv. I have been testing out MCEBuddy with Plex but the Plex software has quite a few bugs right now.

Yes I now use Plex with Channels. Great combination!

Iā€™ve tested Plex DVR on/off since inception, as I have enjoyed using Plex for viewing recordings. Even though Plex has a decent Beta DVR solution, Channels Alpha DVR at release was already light years ahead of Plex and has only improved over the last few months.

Channels DVR is more flexible, easier to use, feature rich and primarily bug free (and bugs are usually fixed within a day).

Truthfully, I am disappointed in Plex, as the devs have had four months to fix bugs, make improvements, add Live TV, etc. Bugs that I and others reported in the first two weeks are still outstanding and still causing users problems. Requests are many times left unanswered or misinterpreted.

The Channels guys are the most dedicated, professional, and responsive devs that I have ever worked with. As @johnluber stated, just read the forums for Channels, Plex, Tablo, etc. Those are the best gauge for the various choices.

Finally, there is a very major difference between Plex and Channels. Plex depends on utilization of a high powered server to transcode for each and every client device. Channels leverages the full capabilities of each ATV and iOS device (except when using the Web UI) to playback recordings and view Live TV, thereby not taxing the server with CPU intensive transcoding duties for multiple clients.


Thatā€™s why I have scraped the plex dvr and I am only you plex as a media server.

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I have tried Plex in the past, back during my MythTV days, and at the time it wasnā€™t as clean and easy to use asa user as was MythTV. So, I stayed with MythTV. Another big drawback for me at the time with Plex was the lack of parental controls - which is crucial for our usage. I understand they have since included parental controls but last I checked it required a subscription to use it.