Easier way to record Shark Week?

In the end I wound up selecting all 20 programs manually, but I'm always on the lookout for a better method in case it applies elsewhere.

This year Discovery is presenting 20 new shows, 3 each night 8-11 pm EDT Sun-Fri, and 2 shows 8-10pm Sat. I played with advanced passes for a bit and chose date (in range of the week) start time 8pm, start time 9pm or start time 10pm, the channel number, etc. That got me close, but some of the shows, night 1 specifically, were odd lengths like 1 hour and 3 minutes, making it hard to grab all 20 recordings by a rule.

Given the different names of each program and the varying start times, is there a better way to capture all 20 programs with less clicking than it took to select the programs one at a time? We have a huge shark fan, especially hammerheads, thanks to 1.8 billion views of Finding Nemo.

Choose a channel, series of start hours, and (probably) "New" tags

This is exactly what I use for new Hallmark movies, but can be easily expanded.

This would pick them all up, just have to delete or pause the pass after they record.
Channel == 6101
Tags == New
Genres CONTAINS Special
Time CONTAINS 10pm
Time CONTAINS 11pm

Thanks, the odd-length times are what made a series of start times not catch all the shows. For example, when I used "Time CONTAINS 8pm
Time CONTAINS 10pm" it didn't get show #2 on Sunday that started at 9:03pm or the one that started at 10:06pm because for some reason the shows that day were 1 hour and 3 minutes long. There were more in the week that didn't get caught in that net, so to speak, which is why I gave up and ultimately went with manual selection.

You must have used
Time CONTAINS 9:00pm (would have to start at exactly 9:00pm)
instead of
Time CONTAINS 9pm (can start anywhere from 9:00pm to 9:59pm)

This is why I added 11pm


Aha, that was it! I didn't do my homework and read the advanced pass syntax very well. I'll keep that in mind for next time!

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To get that image on the pass, I did this How to update the image for a pass - #3 by chDVRuser
using the URL from the Schedule Image at this site https://www.discovery.com/shark-week/schedule

For recording from Discovery TVE channel 6101, just adjust the times below for your time zone (8pm-11pm Eastern, 5pm-8pm Pacific)

  "EQ": {
      "Channel": "6101",
      "Tags": "New"
  "IN": {
      "Genres": "Special",
      "Time": ["8pm", "9pm", "10pm", "11pm"]
  "Image": "https://www.discovery.com/content/dam/images/discovery/editorial/shows/s/shark-week-/2023/key-art/unsized/schedule16x9v03.jpg",
  "KeepNum": 0,
  "KeepOnly": "",
  "Limit": 0,
  "Name": "2023 Shark Week on Discovery channel",
  "PaddingEnd": 0,
  "PaddingStart": 0,
  "Paused": false,
  "Rerecord": false

Don't forget to enable the Experimental TV Everywhere MPEG-TS Rewriter

or you'll probably be creating a post like these

For those a bit lazier, the pass minus the time arguments only gets a handful of stragglers.