Enable/Disable source toggle

This is the only issue you have raised that seems to have bearing on the discussion. I have never encountered this, so if this indeed an issue, please specify details.

(As an aside, instead of dismissing my "Why is this feature necessary?" post and asking for clarification, perhaps you can defer to the OP whose thread you hijacked.)

Because I like to operate with facts, rather than suggestions or beliefs. If the situation within which I am operating has changed, I would like to know what the new situation is. As such, if a scenario that I have taken to be factual is indeed different, then I would like to know. However, I am not simply going to accept someone online saying "X is Y" without any factual proof. If you are saying "X is Y", then give your proof.

Currently I'm disabling all the channels in the source. A source disable would be easier.

I think of it like pausing a pass. Sure you could delete the pass and then recreate it, but it's easier to pause it and then resume it.

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Agreed, yes, this was also requested 11 days ago:

It would be a very welcome feature, and there are many legitimate use-cases to warrant the addition. Any "workaround" to achieve the same right now, is cumbersome.

racameron, are you a channels developer? I'm happy to respond with use cases, but want to make sure that I'm aiming them productively

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There are three developers.
@maddox @tmm1 @eric

No, I am not a developer. However, I am genuinely curious as to the use case for a server-side toggle for sources that removing/re-adding a source does not currently cover.

I am not saying this feature request has no merit. Instead I am asking for clarification as to why the status quo is not suitable. You are more than welcome to desire the ability to disable sources on demand; I am just curious as to why.

Because we are doing things you never imagined.


Some users, like me, add MANY sources while experimenting with CDVR. It is MUCH more convenient to disable them rather then go through the process of removing and re-adding them. Which among other things may involve tedious hand editing of the m3u file. That should be enough of a reason to establish the utility of having a disable/enable toggle.

That said, ff you are not a developer, you probably shouldn't be publicly challenging the utility of a feature request that another user makes. It's not our job to justify and explain everything to you. Also, your "curiosity" isn't productive but only serves to undermine the potential of a useful feature. If you really are just "curious" you should send the poster a private message instead of undermining the feature request by publicly challenging them on why they are making the request. If an OP doesn't reply to your "curiosity (or lack of imagination), that would by default make the feature request seem less valuable.


Custom Channels added via text specifically are a pain to remove and re-add, because then we need to store the text we were using in another app, simply to keep track of it.

If we could leave the Custom Channels set up on Channels DVR and just toggle it off on the server when we want to disable it and toggle it on when we want to re-activate it, it makes overall management a lot easier.

Manually disabling each and every channel in the custom list instead as a workaround is a real drag too.

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Thank you!

Thank you. I didn't realize it was going to be so difficult to get a response beyond "Because I want it". This is definitely a situation where a server-side toggle makes sense.

Indeed, many users are. Why does it bother you if I want to know what these situations are that I haven't imagined? Perhaps your use case may be something that interests me, too. But if you aren't willing to share what exactly it is that you're doing, then I suppose that's your prerogative.

That is enough of a reason; I never stated otherwise.

I never challenged the utility of the feature, I asked for clarification. And if I had questions, it is quite plausible that others may also have similar questions. Isn't the point of a public community forum to foster discussion amongst the community?

I'm not going to reply to your inaccurate accusations here.
None of what you posted below is correct and it wasn't posed as a question. It was an attack on me.
And I quote

Didn't you say:
"What are your particular reasons for needing a toggle versus removal? Personally, I fail to see how disable/delete and enable/(add + enter user/pass) is drastically different" <--That would be challenging the utility of the feature.

This forum is for requesting features. What you are doing is implicitly un-requesting a feature.
Please leave it to the devs to ask follow up questions because you don't seem to understand how you are interfering with something potentially useful.

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Voted. :slightly_smiling_face:

I actually expected a toggle in the UI here given the more than trivial nature of managing sources. Would be handy...


Useful for turning on/off specific sources for transient users.

Voted. :slightly_smiling_face:

With the current flakiness of TV Everywhere, this would be very helpful — add in a bunch of Stream Links, and then disable them if/when many of us get TV Everywhere working in Channels again (ready to be re-enabled if TV Everywhere flakes out again).

A perfect use case - please please please


I just saw this thread and I put my vote in. Hopefully, the developers will add it

A celebration is in order :tada:

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Awesome...thank you developers...now for my next wish on 11/11...please add a confirm on exit button! :grin: