Error "TVE: chrome failed to start"

I don't seem to be able to tune into any TV Everywhere channels. I am not sure when this started, but probably within the last 12 hours. My server is a Mac Pro running the current version of macOS 13. I verified Chrome is up to date. I re-scanned and everything authenticated correctly (YouTubeTV.) I can watch OTA channels in Channels from my HDHomeRun. The logs show "TVE: chrome failed to start" and a video window shows a flickering "The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported." I updated to the latest Channels daily build, but no change. I rebooted my server. I'm not sure what to try next.

You could look through some of the steps I had to take a while back might be helpful, it's
not exact same issue but could be helpful.

Thanks. I guess I don't understand the relationship between the Channels DVR server software and Chrome. Is there a built-in Chrome or Chromium browser installed somewhere separate from any Google in the /Applications folder? The commands from that thread to find a chrome binary don't work in macOS.

Here are some additional lines from the logs.

2023/06/21 12:19:45.820520 [ERR] Failed to start stream for ch6140: TVE: chrome failed to start:
[70377:259:0621/] Failed to create /Users/bmarks/Library/Application Support/ChannelsDVR/data/chromedata/YouTubeTV/SingletonLock: File exists (17)
2023/06/21 12:19:45.839601 [HLS] Couldn't generate stream playlist for ch6140-dANY-ip127.0.0.1: TVE: chrome failed to start:
[70377:259:0621/] Failed to create /Users/bmarks/Library/Application Support/ChannelsDVR/data/chromedata/YouTubeTV/SingletonLock: File exists (17)

Delete this directory

I deleted that directory, and those errors went way, but then logins started fail to YouTubeTV for each channel.

Re-scanning failed, and updating the password failed. I eventually had to delete and re-add the TV Everywhere source for YouTubeTV.

However, now things seem to be working. Thanks!

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I spoke too soon. Re-scanning worked, and all my channels were re-added.

However, I still cannot tune into any of them.

13:51:14.800903 [HLS] Couldn't generate stream playlist for ch6140-dANY-ip10.10.10.112: TVE: Post "": net/http: TLS handshake timeout
2023/06/21 13:51:14.800973 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session ch6140-dANY-ip10.10.10.112
2023/06/21 13:51:26.702458 action=requestor err=Get "": net/http: TLS handshake timeout
2023/06/21 13:51:36.746062 [ERR] Failed to start stream for ch6140: TVE: Post "": net/http: TLS handshake timeout
2023/06/21 13:51:37.812122 [HLS] Couldn't generate stream playlist for ch6140-dANY-ip10.10.10.112: TVE: Post "": net/http: TLS handshake timeout

something's up with the internet connection. could be vpn or proxy or dns settings.

Hmmm. This Mac Pro is hardwired right into my Ubiquiti router to fiber, so it's a pretty simple path to the internet. I assigned it a static private IP too, so nothing has changed. And, this was all working for 2 years before yesterday.

My work Mac Studio beside it, also hardwired into the same router, isn't having any network or TLS/SSL issues.

Never mind, looks like macOS dot release gone wrong. 3rd restart seems to have fixed it. Thanks!