ESPN+ & FOX Sports with Custom Channels via EPlusTV

Small request: Could you serve a simple HTML page at the root that links to the m3u and XML? I've seen that with a few of these images and it makes it easier to find them.

Should have I and others post errors and request on GitHub instead of here? You nicely dismissed (maybe not dismissed, cant find the right word) my issue since its your project and you said this is not for Channels only, no issue there don’t get me wrong, that's your answer and i am ok with it.

But when the staff here interjects, its fixed. this happens a lot with issues with this Channels software. no ill will (even though i bet someone here with the edit button wont like it), i would just like to know if i should spend my time troubleshooting, gathering information and reporting it to help the community or if i should just take this as is (which is perfectly fine).

thanks again for the great project.

Sorry if you (or anyone else for that matter) feel dismissed. Someone from the staff submitted a PR for the sports tag stuff, and the 404 header change was really small so it was a 5 minute job to deploy both of those.

For other things, such as adding in a landing page or adding in new networks is hours and hours of work. I have limited time as it is between my job, other projects, and spending time with my spouse and kids. I work on this when I'm able so I don't always stay on top of messages here or on Github. Usually my time comes in spurts, so when I'm able I'll add more features in.

But as with all free/open source projects: caveat emptor

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No I get it, again no ill will. I’m in the same boat as you, job, family, etc.

I like troubleshooting and help in my spare time but not at the expense of my little spare time like everyone else and I like to get to the point.

Thanks again and great work.

@m0ngr31 I tried out the new X-Tuner-Error handling with EPlusTV and found another place we needed to improve to make sure the errors are passed all the way through.

Here's how it looks now:

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will there be NFL in 4K today on Fox using ESPN PLUS Docker?


Guys please any help or full tutorial with this script i tried to install in ubuntu 20.04 but not working the URL Access

i install docker and run the below command
docker run -p 8000:8000 -v config_dir:/app/config m0ngr31/eplustv

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I would suggest installing Portainer and use the interface to manage the docker.
When you run this docker it needs to be put in the background.


Hey @m0ngr31, looks like P+ isn't pulling events. Sorry if this is a known issue.

Hmm I'll try and take a look before Sunday

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So it is pulling events, but it wasn't getting the Super Bowl. Update is deploying now. Thanks for the callout!

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Thank you!
Was a little thrown off with the docker logs since it didn't actually mention P+.

=== Getting events ===
Looking for ESPN+ events...
Looking for ESPN events
Looking for FOX Sports events...
Adding event:  San Francisco 49ers vs. Kansas City Chiefs
=== Done getting events ===

Weird, Mine is not pulling in the SB.

Are you on the latest version?

Yeah I am. No worries, I only really use it during baseball season.

@m0ngr31 is the use linear option still available I am having no luck with it, I am trying to keep the MSG channel locked in but no good please help if you can thanks.

I'm having a hard time with anything that's not ESPN+ (which I pay a direct subscription for). ACCNX, SEC Plus etc...I have set those to TRUE in the container, authenticated when asked..and it pulls the events into the xml guide and seemingly into the m3u but when I try to watch one (that I know is live) I get "Error getting content" and the logs say "Could not get a playlist for channel #" and "Please make sure there is an event and you have access to it." It's almost like it's an authentication issue? Any tips?

Does your TV provider have those channels? Not all of them do

Unfortunately three linear stuff messes everything up. Once I started fiddling with the start/end times for events it just broke it all.

For MSG, you could run a version just for that and set the max channels to 3-4 or however many channels they offer