ESPN+ & FOX Sports with Custom Channels via EPlusTV

Just the command to start the container

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It's actually working now! It is creating the m3u file. The xmltv file is not working.

Putting out some feelers for people who are interested in ESPN3 support. I don't have a supported ISP, so I can't develop it locally. I'll need some kind of temporary VPN setup to a volunteer

Got it all setup. The hardest part was trying to figure out the location of the Docker folder to put in the terminal command on my Mac/Server. So far it has been working great and I've been recording all the new season games of NHL on ESPN+. Everything seems to be 60fps 720p and stereo.

I have the beta running well and authenticated. But, the container loses the authentication pretty much every day (I haven't actually done the troubleshooting to see how often). After it loses the authentication, I have to delete the docker container and reinstall it to get a new token/password. Do you have any idea why my docker container would continually lose authentication? Am I missing a setting?

No, I'm probably not handling refreshing the auth tokens. I'll look into this. You shouldn't have to delete your docker containers. Deleting the tokens.json file should do it.

Do you mind DM'ing my your docker logs so I can see what tokens are failing?

As soon as I lose authorization again, I'll send some logs. When I reinstalled, it reset the log.

Does anyone have a guide on how to do this now for espn 3/ sec+? Can devs work on it to add ? Would be an awesome feature

I'm not sure about SEC+, but with ESPN3 it's possible to watch events without logging in on certain providers. If I can figure out how that auth mechanism works I could add support for that.

Mine shows up after logging in. So does ESPN3. I think there are multiple ESPN 3? I would pay more for channels per month if this could be incorporated. Maybe a second tool that pulls them ? There is also ACC+

Last night I had the ESPN+ stream of the Islanders NHL Hockey game recording and I was watching the recording a few hours behind live. At approximately one hour into the recording, I got the white Event Will Start Soon screen, and it stayed that way for the rest of the recording. The rest of the game was not recorded. Any idea what happened?

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I'm not affiliated with Channels but I'm sure they appreciate it :grinning: The problem isn't getting the events... I can do that easily. They just have different authentication mechanisms. Without access to a supported cable provider there isn't much more I can do.


That's pretty strange, the only 2 things I can think of without seeing your logs is if there was an error on ESPN's side either on the event side or the scheduling side.

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This could be similar to the problem that I have seen where the docker container loses authorization. I haven't seen it mid-stream, but I have regularly seen that the authorization token only lasts a few hours and then the stream cannot connect.

Thanks for the reply. The stream seemed to break right around the 1 hour mark of the 3 hour recording that i set up. Coincidentally, I have the XMLTV Guide to Refresh Every 1 Hour. Do you think this could have something to do with this?

Maybe if something on the schedule got messed up and it got moved to another channel? Most likely a token got messed up. I need to figure out the refresh stuff I think. You shouldn't need to check the xmltv guide more than once a day though


So I finally decided to add this to my docker running on Synology 218+ (6.2 software).

So on my 1st attempt, I used the "container wizard ", without going into the advanced settings. It installed and after checking the log, I authenticated and it started working. Had a little trouble setting the source because I was using the wrong port but once I figured that out (got correct port from Details in container). Also didn’t create the eplustv folder in docker. Picked the game I wanted to record and set it. Game recorded fine but showed it was interrupted and had quite a few start stops due to playlist skip. The game played fine with no glitches or interruptions. Commercial detection worked good.

Reread thread and readme file and realized I did not create the Eplustv folder.

For my 2nd attempt, I deleted the container then created the eplustv folder in my docker folder using File Station. Relaunched Eplustv and entered the advanced settings, selected the eplustv folder in docker and put the mount path in. The docker ran for about a minute and then was stopped due to a permission error (was not able to figure out). Had to delete container.

3rd attempt was same as first. Everything appears to be working though recordings show to be interrupted and the multitude of Playlist skipped errors.

I'll probably leave it like this until I can figure out the permissions issue. I'm not a Linux man or a docker expert but I do have it working. It was actually easy to install (and delete) for a limited knowledge person.

Kudos to the developer and to Channels for Automatic Channels- just need to add womens softball to the dropdown before the spring season.

I also run this on Synology and struggled with folder permissions. It didn't matter if I ran it through the synology docker GUI or command line with enhanced privileges/admin, could not get the container happy with the permissions so was running without persisting the data folder. But I finally stumbled into a solution. If you manually create permissions to read/write for the target folder in File Station, everything works as expected.

There may be a more elegant way to get it working in Syno-Docker, but this worked.

Thank you @m0ngr31 and Channels. While a bit finicky at times, this is truly a game changer for sports fans. I love having everything in one place with a simple, consistent interface. The ESPN+ interface is atrocious.

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I have had the same permissions problem and have tried just about everything to solve this. When you say , "manually create permission" I am not understanding precisely what you mean. Please explain the process if you don't mind. Also, my docker container loses the security authorization every 24 hours or so leaving me with the need to go to the website and reauthorize the device. I can't understand why I would be having this problem while no one else seems to be reporting it. I am using a Synology 218+

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I also have the authorization issue. I don't watch ESPN+ all that frequently, so I'm not sure how long the authorization is lasting, but more often than not I need to restart the container and use the website to reauthorize.