ETVPlus ESPN & FOX Docker

First, a disclaimer: I'm a complete Docker novice.

I got the docker image up and running. So far, so good. Where I've hit a wall is the prompt in Docker to sign & activate ESPN. The only option is for an email password - no option to sign in with TV Provider. I don't subscribe to ESPN+. I access ESPN and Fox Sports through my tv provider. The GitHub instructions include an Environment Variable for ESPN "Set to false if you only want events that come from your TV provider".

I looked through Docker to see if I could locate where to make this change. I don't see it. But to be honest, I'm not even sure if I'm looking in the right area. My question is, where do I locate this variable (and possibly others) to make the change?

It's probably best to post in the dedicated thread for this topic: ESPN+ & FOX Sports with Custom Channels via EPlusTV

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it will only work with a ESPN + account, not provider