I was trying to move my faulty Shield DVR Server over to my TiVo Stream 4K device, but when I do the restore function using the same external USB HDD connected to the TS4K instead of the Shield, I keep getting those "write permission" errors when I try to select where to save the DVR recordings to. I have tried multiple ways, including this suggestion:
"...then create the folder structure: Android/data/com.getchannels.dvr/DVR
.....All to no avail. The only differences I see are as follows:
My USB drive is formatted NTFS, not ExFAT.
In my drive path, it still shows the same file folder path's disc description, i.e. - "/storage/CE9E6EE99E6ECA13/DVR", but I saw a post here sayng it should be in a format like "/storage/XXXX-XXXX/DVR" with the X's being numbers, when using this with an Android device like the Shield Tube or TiVo Stream 4K?
Am I missing something? Is there a special way that these Android devices need to be setup as a DVR Server compared to something like the Shield?
I can't figure this out. I am trying to set this up so I can troubleshoot to see if I have a bad Shield or USB HDD, or something else, since I am having so many issues when using the Shield Pro 2019 as a DVR Server.