Experimental: Stream Links from the Guide via Custom Channels

For instance, Iā€™m recording Monday Night RAW in OBS with an Elgato CamLink 4K capture device. But it has to be manually triggered.

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Im using YTTV to record NBC shows

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U-verse dvr

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Does this require a beta client for Apple TV?

nflctv:// on tvos

  • fubo is fubotv://
  • espn is sportscenter://
  • sling is slingtv://
  • hulu is hulu://
  • peacock is peacock://
  • amc is AMCTVOSAPP://
  • cbssports is cbssportsapp://
  • spectrum is spectrumTV://
  • bally is ballysports://
  • dtvstream is dfw://
  • nhl is nhl://
  • philo is philotv://

FRANCE 24 English News

Hey look: I did a thing and it worked!

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="FRANCE24" tvg-chno="12999" tvc-guide-stationid="13645",FRANCE 24 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3MuIUNCCzI

Seems like you could easily do this for any streaming YouTube channel.


That's cool. However I would like to also suggest you check out The Kister Method because that allows for such YouTube livestreams to play natively in Channels, no need to switch out to the YouTube app. Here's the URL you'd use instead:



This works thank you.

How do we handle the case where the streamlink call is different on ios vs tvos, but we want to use it on all our devices?

I tried adding both at the same time, but with different channel numbers, but the server only seems to allow one at a time.

edit: found answer here

use unique channel-id


But it is very nice to be able to use this on the apple tv.

One note for others following.

The NFL app on apple tv is also finicky like the NBC app and may need to be restarted or closed in the app switcher in order for the nfl network and nfl live channels to show up.

Wow! That works even better. Thanks!

May I ask what you did? I must be missing something as I just see "got http response code 503" on all of these channels from apple tv. I also have the NBC app and the streams work fine from the app.

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You need the TestFlight beta from getchannels.com/beta


Thank you!!!! I did not have the beta version and now that I do it is working well. Even though like many I am disappointed in NBC, I am also equally thrilled how you so quickly brought in a workaround to lessen the pain a bit.


So, are you saying this method won't work with only the Pre-Release server version? Is that why I'm still getting a 503 error in both iOS and tvOS because I'm not using the TestFlight beta?


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Does anyone know how to go directly to a Spectrum channel? Every number I add to the end of the link, gives a message that I am not subscribed to that channel, and it defaults to the last channel.

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I'm not sure how to get these numbers, but this is what works for spectrum app:

  • disney: spectrumtv://watch.spectrum.net/livetv/85?linkorigin=sirilivetunein&idtype=network
  • tbs: spectrumtv://watch.spectrum.net/livetv/340?linkorigin=sirilivetunein&idtype=network

if there are specific channels you want I can look them up

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  • tbs: dfw://deeplink.directvnow.com/play/channel/TBSHD/ded1f9a7-a3e2-503d-7129-3e31e5257fae
  • tnt: dfw://deeplink.directvnow.com/play/channel/TNTHD/acf51074-6940-81d8-2355-c2eb610e0afc

For Fubo:

  • nfl network: fubotv://media/station/45409?referrer=apple_tv_app&action=play&content=sports

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="SPECTRUMTV" channel-number="111111" tvc-guide-stationid="45399",SPECTRUM NFL

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="NBATV" channel-number="111112" tvc-guide-stationid="45399",NBA TV

Has anyone got the NBA App opening up on tvOS? Thanks.

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  1. This is very cool stuff.
  2. Probably a big ask, but it would make sense to have a way to prevent the DVR from using these as a recording source. In some cases, these links will be the only source of the channel available, so you will get failures. Just a thought.