Experimental: Stream Links from the Guide via Custom Channels

You could try nfl://watch/nfl otherwise you probably need to use Apple Configurator to download the ipa file and look inside the Info.plist

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Didn’t work
I’ll explore Apple configurator. Never used it before.

Maybe Finder lets you copy apps now too? There should be some options when you connect the phone to a mac

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I have a Mac app called iMazing. I’m pretty sure I can get the ipa file.

Would I open package contents to see info.plist file

I think I found an answer

  1. Rename from file.ipa -> file.zip
  2. Unzip file.zip
  3. Go to Payload folder
  4. Right click Application file -> Show Package Contents
  5. See Info.plist

May I ask what you're looking for in it

What links the app responds to.

im getting the same thing on my Android TV Beta .....Yesterday i got the 503 error BUT then i updated to latest Beta and now i get black screen I also tried with Bravo.

Basic instructions for doing this would be nice im just copy/pasting for now

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Ok I got into the info.plist

Heres what I found:




Is there enough info here to translate that into a streamlink?

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Ok so more mucking around and i got it working Needed NBC app not Bravo app (which is what i was testing with)
I just updated the links to open the Bravo USA CNBC app directly.

Anyone have the MSNBC Andoriod TV app??? i cant seem to find it on Play store.


This sounds like a great solution to the DRM issues, when will these beta enhancements be rolled into official atv/ios/android apps in the near future?



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Thank you. Works on iOS to launch the app, but no jump to nfl network. Not much of a surprise, but even this its still very nice to have the guide data and be able to launch the app from the guide - getting there.

OnTVOS, it must be a different mechanism.
The guide still works, but wont launch app on apple tv


wonder if we can get the YES network app to load from the guide using this STRMLNKS method

how do i do the research for this to maybe work?

Great! The NBC Channels are back in place, and I added a link to Bally Sports Sun to watch the Tampa Bay Rays.

Anyone know the link to the Spectrum App?

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This is what I am using for the NFL Network. It is the Spectrum App. It will open to the channel that was playing when you close the app. In this case, NFL Network, until I can figure out how to go to a specific channel.

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="SPECTRUM" channel-number="222222" tvc-guide-stationid="45399",SPECTRUM TV

If you like live only with appointment TV and commercials, sure. But this is the Channels DVR, it's not a solution to DRM issues just a convenient way to launch live TV from apps that you already can do without channels.

Not going back to the bad old days.


@GTFan, I'm at the point where I'm trying to do whatever makes it easy for the wife to find all her content and tv shows in one place instead having to navigate through many apps to view OTA, YTTV, ESPN+, VOD, personal recordings, and various apps for each network. I already remapped our YTTV TVE channels to our old Spectrum cable channel numbers and set up a Sofabatton remote so she can access content directly by channel number instead of scrolling through the guides and apps. As the saying goes, "happy wife, happy life"!


I share the same feeling as you, @GTFan. We never use Channels DVR to watch live TV in my house. Watching live TV is a rarity and, if it does happen, it's by using our normal TV source: DirecTV (satellite).

Having said that, I do understand that many Channels DVR users, especially those who have OTA, may watch live TV, especially sports events. So, for them, I agree that this is a good solution. :slight_smile:


As mentioned by Fofer
Anyone else following along: obviously install and log into each of these apps ahead of time if you want to try this on your device.
A few questions:

  1. Do I launch the app on the Client or on the Server laptop, or either way?
  2. Is this "launch first" for Apple devices only?
  3. On Firestick and Android TV devices does the "app" automatically launch or must I do as Fofer said, launch the app first? (If auto launch how does the app get credentials?)
    Thanks for any answers.

No, perhaps I could have been clearer. Whatever apps your Stream Links are meant to launch, just need to be installed, but only on the clients, for this new feature to work.

I simply mentioned installing and logging in to them ahead of time to make sure that part is working first, since this is a new feature.

The target apps are launched on the client automatically from the guide, for Apple as well as Firestick/Android TV devices. So no, after everything is set up and confirmed working, you don't need to launch any of them first. At least not in my experience.

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