Experimental: TV/Movie deep-links via imported .strmlnk files

Thank you for always improving your product!

I have a dozen stream links working on my Nvidia Shield. They all work great within the Channels app. When I select a stream link movie outside of the app in the Android TV channel I get a playback failed message. I do not get this message for locally stored media or DVR recordings.

I assume you mean from the Android Home screen?

I'm uploading a new beta with a fix for that now.

This is an amazing feature. For years I have been looking for a way to aggregate all of my media and subscriptions into one platform. Thank you for constantly looking for ways to improve and progress the the platform.

Can logos be added to the movie / show page or posters indicating what streaming service the show / movie is linked to similar to Just Watch.


In the next version, the content's tags will list their source.

Awesome! Thanks

Great feature! I didn't read through this entire thread, but is there potential plans to integrate this natively into the DVR UI? e.g. rather than importing a file, can in the UI we simply do something like "Add stream link" and then paste in the URL there? Just thought I'd ask (so I don't need to ftp/telnet into my server)

There’s no plans for adding any kind of ui for that.

This has shipped. Please open other threads to discuss this feature.