Extend vs. Connect on iOS?

Rog889, transcoding is set within the Channels application. Each Channels app install has it’s own settings as to which tuners are used in what priority and what transcoding is used for each tuner.

This allows for a lot of flexibility. I do the following:
Wired Appletvs - no transcoding
iOS devices - mobile transcoding
Channels DVR - heavy transcoding

The Extend works great with Channels.

Jkline, the dvr transcoding setting effects extend transcoding for recordings. Livetv transcoding is controlled by the setting within the Channels app used to watch live TV.

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Another question: what transcode setting do you have your Extend itself set to in its configuration? I’ve just started using this and your info has been extremely helpful, but I don’t see where that was mentioned.

Jsritsr, my default setting for extend transcoding is set to none. That said in my setup and use cases I’m very rarely using the default.

I primarily use Channels for viewing and set my transcoding within the application as appropriate for that device (wired ATV=none, DVR=heavy, iOS=mobile). If I’m not using the Channels app I use the DVR web UI to view and then I’m using the DVR server, a mac mini, to transcode on the fly. Only when I’m using something else, like Kodi, to view would I be using the Extend default setting and I would be on my wired LAN in those cases. I may change the default to heavy for the rare cases when I’m using the default.

Hope that helps.


This is what I do too.

I have default set to heavy. Channels ATV=none, Channels DVR=heavy. Channels Web-UI will default to use mobile transcode on an Extend when streaming live. This works great for watching on a phone over cellular connections. And, if using the DVR, you can set your DVR to do its own transcoding before streaming recordings via web-ui. This used to not work right for the Extend, due to the progressive scan channel recordings not being correctly re-transcoded based on the web-ui streaming settings (only interlaced channels were re-transcoded), but @tmm1 recently fixed this, so all Extend H.264 recordings can now be watched over any internet connection by adjusting the web-ui transcode settings.