Favorites > Channel Collections, though both of them have big issues

I know, the devs won't like me for this one, but i still hate how wonky channel management is. I wish one of these would be fixed.

Famously don't sync, unless you nuke the client (and for those using betas, nuke beta and live clients)
Otherwise, they work great, as they do keep in-line with HDHR favorites. If only they synced with the clients.

Channel collections:
Don't respect the client guide channel order. I just want a list of channels to match what i want in the client, and let the client sort them that way. I shouldn't need to sort on the WebUI every time i add a channel, or collection. Trying to jury-rig the channel order on the WebUI, especially the first time, is needlessly difficult.

Favorites I cannot speak to.

Channel collections, this I've noticed.
For me, iPadOS/Safari are a pain but when using my windows 10 servers Brave browser almost always works. (never the first try with CUSTOM as the setting, nearly perfect on the second)

So to my way of thinking perhaps try a different browser or OS until things settle out like they always do in beta-time?

Channel collections are technically stable though.

Yes, very. The quirky bit is just drag-n-drop in the custom arranging. And that, to me anyway, appears as though it's a "browser' based issue.

Right - my point is that the client already has a sort order, and it's useful per-client. Why should we have to sort this manually, and only one version per-list?

How about meeting in the middle, and adding sort options to the channel collections screen? Sort by Channel name or number, so that's the only thing that needs changing...

I swear I'm on mute, but @maddox heard someone else, so yay!