[Feature Request] - Dashboard Stream / Tuner Termination

We can take a look at this. But it’s fair to understand that our software works perfectly fine, closing the stream when stopped. And this is our priority, not other apps.

Are you using mpegts or hls

I use EMBY with streams from Channels DVR and they close fine using ....


I am using this link in emby : http://xxxxxxxx:8089/devices/ANY/channels.m3u?format=ts, so mpegts. For a lot of the emby clients all is well and it will close the streams, but when using FireTv and Roku Clients it will not close the stream properly, so channels doesn't know to drop it.

Completely understand that, and it does seem that when watching from a channels client device, the streams always stop when the client disconnects, but as of now, I've had to stop using the streams in emby as I wake up to a full 480gb transcode ssd too often, smart errors abound!

In the end I would love to see emby fix this, as the dream is everything all in one place, but a manual stop would be a nice bandaid! Or of there is an api function of some sort, I could whip something up to stop the streams without a button, but from what I could glean, the channels api seems to be for client devices only.

Not sure this makes sense because with format=ts it shouldn't be transcoding on the Channels side.

Maybe add &codec=copy?

it doesn't, emby does the transcoding.

I see. So then don't want you want a little X on the Emby dashboard instead?


So emby does have a stream stop button, but 1) it often doesn't work. 2) it seems to never work on these runaway streams

Sounds like there is a bug in Emby, then ...

Yes, 100%, but I'm asking for a way to manually stop the streams in channels, as I believe, that's a quicker and easier solution for, admittedly, a problem that isn't really "channels problem".

Request noted. Something like this in our long term plans but it is not a priority right now because it works fine in our software.

What Version of FireTV are you using ? Even if I hit the home button while watching a stream on my FireTV4K/max or firecube the stream closes ?

Also what Version of EMBY are you running as EMBY has an exit button that completely closes the APP on FireTV. I know Plex keeps running in the background unless you forcibly stop the APP.

I haven't really looked recently because I don't like using Emby for Live TV, but I do recall seeing some threads in their forums about the issue with streams not closing on occasion. It would also happen if you were using an HDHomerun device directly in Emby and not via Channels. I recall the Dev mentioned it should be fixed in some server update but again, not sure on the details.

Personally I find Emby less desirable for Live TV, especially via a 3rd party server like Channels or even NextPVR, etc. It seems the channels always load slower when starting playback and there is a constant pause and buffer about 2 or 3 times before it starts playing smoothly. I've never had these issues using Channels directly and is why I have pretty much switched over to using them exclusively.

I guess my point is that Emby isn't quite there yet with Live TV in my experience.

I agree with you, but find it a bit more inclusive. It's not just live TV, but their entire UX is quite poor. (I would almost rather use Amazon's video client than Emby.)

(I don't understand why so many users prefer Emby when their support and UX is so piss-poor. Plex has equally bad support, but at least their UX is far more usable.)

I will tell you why collections in Channels DVR is poor ... EMBY has a robust collection that is automatic. Also gives more info as far as Actors etc ... Channels DVR is great for TV Viewing but as far as a media server it just does not even come close to EMBY or Plex.

Plus Channels is only really good if you only have 1 user not at all family friendly. Profiles are essential in my household that is Why I mostly use channels for background recording.

I believe Channels DVR is the only APP I use for viewing at times that does not have user profiles.

I agree, emby isn't there on live tv, the only reason I had been using it is because they could directly ingest m3u and xml.

@racameron I have been testing plex with xteve as an intermediary, that's a list of problems in and of itself, but it actually seems to be working far better than emby at the moment. If it came down to having to switch and open up another app, id just go back to using youtubeTV directly, the value of the $8/month for channels is 100% out the window at that point, its literally here for me to watch from a one size fits all media server!

It really doesn't matter what version of emby it is at the moment because it is a persistent issue throughout stable and beta releases, which I go between frequently depending on what they've broken recently lol

If this is your hallmark, then you may be better served by Tvheadend as your DVR backend, and Kodi as your frontend. This option gives you many options, as well as many different and configurable frontend themes.

(Channels offers a Kodi backend, but the Tvheadend one is a bit more integrated.)

Something definitely is wrong with Plex it keeps adding live sessions ... Yet nothing shows in Channels DVR. I am going to test with XTEVE doing the buffering not Plex directly.