[Feature Request][Developer] Broadcast "events" from the server

Hi, could server emit socket events on the same port or e.g. 8090? Since Channels backend for TVE relies I assume on nodejs/puppeteer, adding socket.io to the mix wouldn't seems so hard.
Server could emit events like:
"TV show playback started/stopped"
"Live tv on channel X started/stopped" or "Currently watching"

I could build some nasty stuff around this like generating statistic charts and more importantly scrobbling to Trakt TV :slight_smile:

This information is available via the events API

See Real-time Monitor Notifications

Intresting I don't recall such feature before :slight_smile: I'll take a look but I assume it still requiring doing frequently request to the API?

Only one request. This api has been there from the beginning.

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Is it documented somewhere?

Answered in the other thread.

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Thanks, I didn't see that thread :slight_smile:
EDIT: Looks it is very similar to Twitter Stream :slight_smile: