Feature Request - Re-Record Missed Show

It would be nice to be able to add a solo show (on a future rerun) to a queue for a subscribed show if the new showing originally scheduled to record failed to record, for whatever reason–not enough tuners and low priority, glitch in recording that messed up first attempt, etc. I don’t see any way to do this with the current feature set.

If you search the show and view it’s upcoming airings, you can schedule any of those airings to record.

I probably wasn’t clear enough. I meant when you know that you’ve missed an airing, and therefore know the episode’s name. I already have the series queued for all new episodes–I need to add another queue with the same show with one particular rerun episode, and it won’t be in the guide yet. It likely won’t show in the guide again for several months, in most cases. I’d like to be able to create a queue for this show, using the episode’s name, in addition to the regular queue of new shows.

The only option I can see is to change the queue to include both new and rerun shows, and then throw out all the rerun recordings I don’t need later. Is this correct?

This is planned, along with a Delete and Re-record option which would work similarly on the backend.

The best workaround for now is to change your pass to “All Episodes”, which is smart enough to ignore episodes you’ve already recorded.

Sounds good. I’ll use your suggestion in the meantime.

Another interim solution would be to add a “New Advanced Pass” on the web ui … DVR > Passes > Gear.

It should work if you know the Season # and Episode #, in addition to Title. Use the dropdown on “Title” for list of various limitors. S# & E# are towards the bottom of the list.

You don’t even have to have the full Title…you can change the == operator to CONTAINS. And then add Season == xx and Episode == xx.

Didn’t know about that feature. That will work. Thanks for the heads-up!

I’m looking for this now. with the storms around, it really messed up the recording with all the weather crap.

I coulda swore I saw a delete and re-record on the web ui before, but I don’t see it now. Did this ever get implemented?

No it does not exist yet.

All Episodes never records the same episode more than once.