Filter Movies by 'Not in collection'

I am unsure if this is possible or not - any way to filter movies using the DVR/Manage/Movies section to show only movies which are not in a collection?

Sometimes when movies are added to the library they do not show up in recently added section and can get lost easily with large libraries. I put all of mine into collections by genre but often find ones O have missed that are not in a collection and subsequently do not show in my movies library (unless I go to 'all movies'.

There's no ability to do that.

I can write a report/query for Media Tools Manager (a Streaming Library Manager for Channels extension) that can do this. I already did something similar for Channel Collections:

I've added this as a feature request, along with my intended approach in case you are interested in some of the technical details. Should be very doable!


Babsonnexus! That sounds brill! I always use streaming links manager- i find it so useful - excellent work and a great tool to import stream links and live channels. I will keep my eye out for the updates. Thanks again


Already discovered I apparently forgot to label some shows, so they are not in library collections!

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Ooh that is perfect! This will come in so handy for sure