Filtering DVR > Manage > Shows to Unverified not working

But filtering DVR > Manage > Shows to Verified does work.

Have some shows that are Unverified (.CommercialsEdited not in the recorded file json)
When I select Filter > Unverified, they don't appear.
Screenshot 2023-11-22 at 18-27-29 Channels Manage Recordings

Selecting Filter > Verified does only show those that were verified (.CommercialsEdited: true)

I'm seeing similarly broken filtering. In my case, filtering DVR > Manage > Shows to Unverified only displays unverified episodes that have smart commercial detection applied, but omits all other unverified episodes with Comskip applied.

As @chDVRuser noted, changing the filter to Verified works as expected, and includes both smart commercial detection & Comskip recordings.

I have the EDL Export integration setting enabled, if that matters.


I'm also seeing a related issue: filtering DVR > Manage > Movies to Unverified and Kids returns no results (despite having Unverified movies with visibility set to Kids).

Filtering DVR > Manage > Movies to Unverified and Library only displays unverified movies that have smart commercial detection applied, but omits all other unverified movies with Comskip applied.

Logs have been submitted as d4c5aef9-9f20-49f2-a3a2-65f35e569a41.

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Filtering DVR > Manage > Shows to Unverified not working

Fixed in the latest Pre-Release.

Sorry about this, I don't know how this went out so bad, especially since listing Unverified items was the whole point the first time it was added.

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