Filtering TV by Imports only - Personal Sections

Will it ever be possible to have a TV Personal section where we can filter by imported only in the same way we can with Movies? My family prefers the interface of Channels to Plex, and it reduces the amount of different apps we use, but I'd like to try and keep the TV Shows I DVR in one section so it's clear they're the newest recorded shows and that they're more likely to be the ones that get deleted or cleaned up as they're not often shows I keep, and my more permanent library in another section, rather than having recordings mixed in with older stuff.

TV Shows can not be filtered by if they were imported or recorded, because TV Shows do not have that type of metadata. Only the actual videos do: Movies, Videos, Episodes.

TV Shows, as an object in your library, are nothing more than a grouping and can contain Episodes that were both recorded or imported. To make it simple, TV Shows can not be recorded, Episodes are recorded.

I would suggest you utilize Labels to help tag certain TV Shows for certain things.

makes sense, I'll get to labelling. thanks for the quick response!

OK, forget everything I said about not being able to filter TV Shows by if they were imported or not. The latest pre-release server adds this.

You can now use the Imported facet in your Smart Rules for TV Shows and accomplish what you guys have been wanting to accomplish.

This will be true if a TV Show has even 1 import.

Additionally, we've added Number of Imports. So if you want, you can filter on HOW many imports there are.

There may be cases where a TV Show only has 1 import, and you don't want it showing in your filtered list of imported shows, or you need to filtered list of recorded shows and the single import throws it off. Gain more precision using the Number of Imports rule.


Fantastic news, thanks so much for following up on this!

This is so great, thanks! With regards to Smart Rules... is there a way to use an OR operator, in Advanced Mode? If so, what's the syntax? For example, to create a Movie Collection of all the Stream Links and Stream Files in the library.

I tried streamfile=true OR streamlink=true but it came up empty.
Maybe this isn't possible... yet?

I only found this thread, while it applies to Passes, but the same idea applies:

There is no way to OR across rules, but we can inside rules. You bring up a good point, and it may be better to make these fields a single field that allow multiple options, a al Genres.

Yeah, that would be perfect. More intuitive, I think.

There's already a tag for "Stream" which is the same as streamfile=true
Could that tag be renamed "Stream File" so it's more consistent?

Or maybe you have something else in mind. Like a new category in the pulldown called Stream, that includes the various streaming tags to choose from:
Stream File

However you go about it, these filering tools are great. Thank you!

The Smart Rules introduced last week have all been replaced as of the latest pre-release.

They were replaced with a much more useful Smart Rule that is way more functional for building stuff.

Please read the release notes and update any rules you created using last weeks new rules.