Fios TVE Cartoon Network is TBS

So for a couple weeks now Fios TVE connection’s Cartoon Network channel is TBS when I play it live or view a CN recording. What’s extra weird is it’s neither TBS or TBS (west coast), at least according to the content in the guide. Trying the TBS channels works fine and shows what’s on the guide.

Rescan and redownload of guide did not appear to change anything. Fios app shows CN content correctly.

Any thoughts or if I may be missing something on my end? Thanks!

I'm been experiencing the same issue for the last week also. Thought it was just me.

CN has not worked for a loong time. Well, it would sometime load late night, Adult Swim programing, but never during the day.

I just tried to tune it, and yup, it loads TBS stream. Weird. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m experiencing the same with using my DirecTV stream credentials. TBS during the daytime Cartoon Network hours and then at some point when it switches to Adult Swim it seems ok.

Cartoon network no longer provides TVE ... R.I.P

If you want Cartoon Network, time to start putting the other channels tricks in place to get it back.
ADB Tuner, Chrome Capture etc.
I've pretty much stopped the use of TVE.
I'm finding that the feeds are going away or they have weird fillers during the commercial brreaks.

TOON (EASTERN) channel removed