Thanks for the explanation. Is the reason why this issue doesn't present itself when using the 8mbps quality because the DVR is transcoding the stream which equalizes the mpeg-ts pids?
Yes, it works with 8Mbps is because we shipped the potential fix to the DVR which does the work of fixing up the MPEG-TS pids.
I've just released a new tvOS beta via Testflight. Please download it and see if it solves your issues at Original quality. If you don't have an iPhone to use to sign up for Testflight, please email with your Apple ID email address so we can add you.
You can read more about the changes in the beta here.
I will install the beta and test.
Will your fix also apply to the Android app and web player? The issue is present in both platforms.
Yes. The web player has the fix in the latest DVR pre-release you have installed and the latest Android beta also has this fix.
I can confirm the latest beta resolved the issue on my Apple TV. I had the stream playing simultaneously on my TV and my phone. My phone stream had the issue when the Apple TV did not. Thanks for the quick fix!