Frndly Docker EPG has data, but not displaying

Frndly Docker playlist and EPG seem to generate fine. All channels play, but only five channels display EPG listings in Channels. I check the generated xml file, and all Frndly channels' EPG listings are there, but only five display. Completely confused.

Working for me. Which 5 channels?
Try this

When setting up the custom channels leave the "XMLTV Guide Data" spot empty. Sounds like you filled it in with the .xml needed for channels without gracenotes.

The best method of using the Frndly-for-channels is the 2 source one mentioned by @chDVRuser.

The instructions on @matthuisman site do say to leave the EPG blank, but it probably should also mentioned the 2 source method. I can see how a lot of people would use the .xml generated by docker.

Crib Notes on 2 Source Method.

Source 1
Source: http://host:8183/playlist.m3u8?gracenote=include
XMLTV Guide Data: None

Source 2
Source: http://host:8183/playlist.m3u8?gracenote=exclude
XMLTV Guide Data: http://host:8183/epg.xml

Thanks for your help. I am still stumped. I deleted the source and started over. I use Option 1, and the "source" reflects 35 channels with no listings. I used Option 2, and the "source" reflects 6 channels with listings. Viewing the channels is not a problem. My original playlist http://host:8183/playlist.m3u8 with no Gracenote reference added had the aforementioned 41 channels and 6 with listings regardless of the data available in the EPG XML file. Any else I can try?

It is six, not five. I didn't count the Informational channel

Oh, sorry, so setup has two sources, one with include and one with exclude?

yes.... and make sure you setup as new sources with different names from prior tries. Its been mentioned a few times that Channels may have a bug with recalling old information from old sources with the same name. So its best to use names you've never used before.

And on that second source make sure to manually set those channels (use the pencil on the right). From your screen cap it looks like you don't have them set.

That is certainly different, but it works! Thanks!

And when you're done, do a Delete and Recreate Guide Database from the DVR web UI Guide Database Maintenance

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No need to do that if you're using the 2 source method. There are no gracenote station id's for those 6 channels to provide full guide data, so the 2 source method will get you titles only for those 6 channels.

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I'm hoping eventually channels will allow epgs and Gracenote IDs together

So if a channel doesn't have a gracenote Id, it falls back to using the epg provided.

Currently if you provide an epg, the Gracenote IDs in the playlist are ignored.

I think I've asked @tmm1 before but have forgot the response. :joy:

With the above, you'd just have a single source with playlist and epg entered. Any channels without gracenote would use the limited epg.xml data