Fubo TV project


Follow @joagomez instructions here Fubo TV project - #202 by joagomez

This is what the line looks like in mine

    "1239200001": {"StationID": "152581", "name": "CBS 4K"},

Make sure the web page where the playlist links are found says it’s 1.16

I am seeing that on the web page. I just got done fiddling around with it and now I am receiving the 4K feed. Very strange. Thank you @chDVRuser and @joagomez for your help!

I did an M3U olivetin custom channel to add to the rest of my fubo custom channels.
I have this so far, it is now buffering, but no data guide

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="9031" tvg-id="9031" tvg-chno="9031" tvg-logo="https://images.fubo.tv/channel-config-ui/station-logos/on-white/cbs_4k_logo_black.png" tvc-guide-stationid="152581" tvg-name="CBS 4K",CBS 4K
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Here's mine and it's pulling the guide info (as as yours):

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="1239200001" tvg-id="CBS4K" tvg-chno="210" tvg-logo="https://images.fubo.tv/channel-config-ui/station-logos/on-white/cbs_4k_logo_black.png" tvc-guide-stationid="152581",CBS 4K

Have you gone to the source in Channels and redownloaded after entering the text in your custom channel? Even though it says its downloading after you enter the info, I find sometimes you still need to tell the source to redownload the guide data to get it to populate.

Can't speak for olive tin as I don't use it, but for my custom renumbering I use
transcode=none&codec=copy options

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Just to follow up on this

No issues with FOX 4K, FS1 4K, or CBS 4K
Issues with NBC4K, - these streams seem to be encoded differently with Audio as EAC3 instead of AAC so thinking might be because of european encoding as these tend to be soccer feeds??? simply a guess here

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This worked, I got the guide info, but it keeps buffering when I play the channel

2024/02/11 13:44:41.463393 [TNR] Opened connection to M3U-Television for ch327 CBS 4K
2024/02/11 13:44:41.966567 [ENC] Request for 138 is more than 10 from the last encoded segment of 105
2024/02/11 13:44:41.986976 [ENC] Stopped encoder for ch9031 in /shares/dvr/Streaming/ch9031-dANY-ip192.168.7.109-2994985865/encoder-65-2007045988 after encoding 65 to 105
2024/02/11 13:44:41.987708 [ENC] Starting encoder for ch9031 in /shares/dvr/Streaming/ch9031-dANY-ip192.168.7.109-2994985865/encoder-138-446201778 at 138 (136.137333) (encoder=h264_vaapi, resolution=1080, deinterlacer=hardware, bitrate=980

I have an issue too where they channel starts and closes right away on CBS 4K. Any ideas why?

I am getting that as well

I tried figuring this out before and failed. I'm running Windows 10 and Docker. My run command is:
docker run -d -e "FUBO_USER=zzz@zzz.us" -e "FUBO_PASS=ppppp" -p 7778:7777 --restart=unless-stopped -v config_dir:/app/Config --name vlc-bridge-fubo jgomez177/vlc-bridge-fubo

I can't figure out where to put the channel/StationID information (Folder/FileName)?

If Windows, you probably want to put that directory in a Windows folder somewhere.
-v C:\Fubo:/app/Config

I don't use docker on Windows

Is "Config" the file name, or part of the directory path?
In other words, what is the file name and extension?

It's standard docker nomenclature.
The directory to the right of the colon is inside the container /app/Config and shouldn't be changed.
The directory to the left of the colon is on your host (Windows) C:\Fubo and you define it.

Just like port mapping. Left side is host, right side is container.

I had to use HLS and turn on Codec, and my stream if running flawless now.

Posted above multiple times

First make sure you using the HLS playlist and no VPN.
Next if you are using an AppleTV verify settings with Deinterlacing Mode to Hardware and Video driver is Default