I currently got an iMac g3 someone gave me and thought it would be super cool to be able to stream channels from a web stream to QuickTime and use it for 90s cover band where I would play my MTV virtual channel is this possible or no? Machine that is doing the streaming of channels now is a m1 MacMini. Thanks!
No, virtual channels only work in the apps
You can run the iPad app on this Mac since it's Apple Silicon:
And here's how Virtual Channels work with Channels DVR:
thanks for that - I was wanting to run it on the old iMac since its a crt.. and would give the retro look. I was going to stream it from vlc and pick it up on QuickTime on the old iMac.
You’re not gonna have a lot of luck playing back video on that old system.
Your best bet would be to turn it into a DIY mod using a new brain. But you’ll lose the CRT of course
Might as well get an onn stick, install channels app on it, get a HDMI-RCA adapter and run it on a CRT TV
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Thanks guys appreciate the help - want to keep the crt but i'll take those suggestions and see what route to go with.