Getting HTTPS error TVE

then your only option is to change the working site to https in the browser bar and click through the security warning, then try checking the option again

When I click on the https in the channels browser it tries to open the site with https and fails.

I mean what does that show

Oh ok my server ip is so trying that seems to be working,

It was picking up the IP from my PC I was using the browser from not the server.

Looking good got these channels.

6000 KGW

6001 KATU

6002 KPTV

6003 KOIN

Oh d'oh okay that's a bug, its using the wrong IP. Will fix.

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Fixed in prerelease, please try and confirm:

Version 2022.01.20.0115
If you access your DVR web UI from a browser using insecure http: and check [X] Local Networks via TV Everywhere, you're not prompted by the browser to allow location service and it results in this misleading error message "Your browser failed to retrieve your geolocation: User denied geolocation prompt"

In Firefox?

Yes, I can try again with Edge.
Using Edge with http: gives this message
Try again over HTTPS. Your browser failed to retrieve your geolocation: Only secure origins are allowed (see: https://permanently-removed.invalid/Y0ZkNV).
And the link is to my DVR server.

Clicking that link leads to
I then have to check the box again [X] Local Networks via TV Everywhere
And then it works.

But now I'm wondering how it resolved that url when I have remote access disabled and no port forwarded?

Uploading fix to show https links in more browsers

Much better. Two links to choose, both leading to the same secure https: location.
Works on Firefox now.
Also working in Brave.

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Is the link correct (server IP) in the latest build?
Working for me.

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Inquiring minds want to know. Care to share?

It's not using remote access. It connects in your home to the IP, over SSL

It connects and works even when I change the url from https to http. Not a secure connection then.
It causes some concern when you think you're at, but you're not.

Using is the same as typing 192.168.x.x in directly. It's a hostname that resolves to the IP, because SSL certificates are based on hostnames.

No one outside your network can access 192.168.x.x using either method.

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Yes, I knew all that.
Question was how it resolved to my local private intranet IP address.
I'm guessing your server verifies it's me at the user subdomain ( and with proper auth will respond with my local IP.
Just wondering why if my browser was redirected to it doesn't display that in the url.

It's like if you went to but were really at https://iownzunow.fool but your browser didn't show that url, you might have reason to be concerned.

Our server is not involved at all. It's simple DNS. I don't know if you're asking me how dns resolution works?

It's like DYN DNS, we essentially created every combination of x-x-x-x as a DNS record and pointed it to x.x.x.x

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Got it. Thanks.