Grouping Shows with no EPG?

For example, I have 3 webcam channels:

Cam 1
Cam 2
Cam 3

I have them set up with fallback tags as there's no EPG. When I record any of them, each recording is in its own separate folder. Is there any way to tag them so they all end up in a single "TV Show" folder?

You can set the tvc-guide-title Channels Support - Add Custom Channels with M3U Playlists

What could be wrong here? They don't save to a single folder.

#EXTINF:-1 tvg-chno="1001" tvg-name="Cam 01" tvc-guide-title="Web Cams" tvc-guide-description="Camera" tvc-guide-genres="Antenna" tvc-guide-placeholders="14400" tvc-guide-art="" tvg-logo="" group-title="Antenna",Camera 01
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-chno="1002" tvg-name="Cam 02" tvc-guide-title="Web Cams" tvc-guide-description="Camera" tvc-guide-genres="Antenna" tvc-guide-placeholders="14400" tvc-guide-art="" tvg-logo="" group-title="Antenna",Camera 02
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-chno="1003" tvg-name="Cam 03" tvc-guide-title="Web Cams" tvc-guide-description="Camera" tvc-guide-genres="Antenna" tvc-guide-placeholders="14400" tvc-guide-art="" tvg-logo="" group-title="Antenna",Camera 03

You gave them all the same name.

Also, you really ought to have channel-id tags, not just tvg-name tags. (Channels can do weird things if your M3U playlists don't have channel-id tags; I mean, in the support article it is the only required tag they mention.)

Advice given to me in this thread was to use the tvc-guide-title tag so they would all show in a single folder.

I was able to get them to record at the same time, but they're still in different folders.

Yes, but you also gave them all the same tvg-name tags. And as I mentioned, they are each lacking unique channel-id tags.

The tvg-name tags are different.

... but did you give them the required channel-id tags?

(That singular point has been the solution to most Custom Channel problems ... and why users continue to avoid reading the documentation baffles me.

For those keeping score:

  • tvg- prefixed tags are usually assumed "general purpose"
  • tvh- tags are generally more relevant to Tvheadend
  • tvc- tags are specific to Channels

However, if you are using Channels and want a good experience, every stream from every M3U playlist needs a unique channel-id tag.

Honestly, since the feature was introduced and this requirement made public, I don't know why the software allows streams with the tag. Allowing arbitrary M3U playlists has made for a support nightmare, I imagine.)

It really doesn't matter here. IDs are generated internally, which is fine for Text based M3Us. The major problem is when M3Us are changing constantly and entries move around the file. Without a consistent ID its not possible to know if an entry moved or is new.

Try this: