Guide data wrong - questions

I have a channels dvr config with 2 HDHR cablecard tuners.

Today’s NFL schedule has 2 games being played back-to-back on NBC - Bengals-Steelers at 1:30 (pacific) and Bills-Chargers at 5:00. Both are nationally televised.

My guide data shows a bunch of local shows on NBC starting at 5:00.

I re-downloaded the guide for one of my two cablecards (which have exactly the same channels) and the guide data is still wrong. Is there any benefit to downloading the guide for the second cablecard? (I ask because the guide download option is specific to a tuner, which doesn’t seem to make sense for my scenario of having 2 cablecards for the same cable system just to augment my total number of available tuners).

Is anyone else seeing this problem in their guide data? Not showing the second game today on NBC?

Bills-Chargers isn't on NBC nationally. it's exclusive to Peacock.

I believe it's only available on NBC in the Buffalo and San Diego markets.

Ahhh. Online it says it’s available on NBC, which maybe is true in Buffalo and LA but is a bit confusing because they talk about it as an NBC double-header.

Is the game available for free or only subscribers? And is there any way to pipe it into Channels DVR?

Oh, right. LA, not San Diego :sweat_smile:

I don't think peacock has a free tier. I think ad-supported is 5 or 6 dollars a month.

There are ways to get it into channels if you like to tinker...

Thanks. Luckily streaming m-only games all get replayed directly afterwards on NFL Network. Seems like the path ot least resistance.

Watching NFL on channels is way better than Prime despite the fact it’s just linear without added bells and whistles.

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