Guide for TCM west

Anyone know if channels has guide data for TCM West. I seem to be not seeing it.


TCM West guide data is working for me.

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Is this with TVE? Or a custom channel. TVE works.

Yes, using TVE.

TVE with Hulu is a frustrating experience. So I'm using the ADB tuner and adding the guide data from channels. Everything working except having trouble finding the link for TCM West, or Pacific.

Looking at my Schedules Direct account, they show only one Turner Classic Movies HD (XMLid 64312) -- no West version.

Same story if you search http://[hostname or IP]:8089/dvr/guide/stations, only SD and HD -- no East/West.

Maybe there is a way I can add a time offset for that channel. I'll have to look tonight.

That's pretty easy: Add tvg-shift="+3" or whatever adjustment is required before the comma (on the line for that station) in the M3U.

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Example here:

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